Gibson LPB-2 Les Paul Deluxe Bass Electric Guitar


1992 Gibson LPB-2 Les Paul Deluxe Bass
Gibson is a major and famous manufacturer that is admired by many players who have led the era.
Produced many standard models such as Les Paul and SG
It is still used by players all over the world.
This machine consists of three models (Special/LPB-1 Deluxe/LPB-2 Standard/LPB-3) announced around the end of 1991.
Among them, the LPB-2 Les Paul Deluxe Bass is equipped with Bartolini's PU and active circuit.
Single-cut body similar to Les Paul, maple top/mahogany back made of the same materials.
The higher grade model Plus is differentiated by arched figure maple.
This machine has a non-arch specification.
The peg head inlay flower pot is a rare spec that will no longer be seen around 1994.
On the black ebony fingerboard is a dish inlay that is typical of Gibson. The scale length is 34in.
The body color is trans umber with an authentic taste.
The machine head has a closed gear housing with the Gibson logo.
The bridge is a masterpiece with a solid base mount and saddle,
Equipped with a string spacing adjustment mechanism that can be set as needed.
The PU is equipped with two FVB, Bartolini dual coil PU for LPB, and 1CBG, which are the taste of the deluxe model.
Furthermore, by equipping the company's TCT preamplifier, it reproduces clearer and more dynamic sound.
Demonstrates stability unaffected by the sound output environment.
There are scratches, scratches, dents from use, and weather checks in various places.
There is no problem with playing, and it is in player's condition.
Weight approx. 4.18kg with hard case
BODY:Top/Maple Back/Mahogany
PICKUPS: Bartolini 1CBG
PREAMP:Bartolini TCT

This is a used item purchased online.
It has been maintained by our store's dedicated repairman.

Frets remaining: Approximately 70-80%
Neck condition: almost straight
Truss rod: plenty of room


Model number
LPB-2 Les Paul Deluxe Bass

trance amber

hard case

Although there is a feeling of use,there is no problem in operation.
Provided by HARU eBay listing tool.
Provided by HARU