This little sketchbook is in good condition with tight bindings and spine and minor shelf wear. Pages are clean with nice corners. It has sketches by Michael Turner, Joseph Michael Linsner, Joshua Middleton, Bart Sears, Terry Moore and John Watkins-Chow. It also has a Frank Cho bookmark, the little GrossGen page used by the artists to test their pen before using it and a random set of signed sketches I picked up from someone in line, as well as a doodle on the last page by a friend. 

This is just one of the sketchbooks I am selling. All of them are unique and more than just a collection of artwork. They are memories. From a collectors standpoint, each sketch has value that will appreciate.

Below is the story of this little sketchbook. 

My very first San Diego Comic Convention I attended, I purchased a small blank sketchbook and got a few sketches. I went to Linsner, Moore and Turner as some of my favorite artists. CrossGen was new and had a booth with two of their artists Middleton and Sears and I stopped at a booth in artists alley where I met Watkins-Chow. 

Everyone except Turner easily gave me a sketch. As I was new to conventions I was unaware that the large companies like Top Cow, only did signings and not sketches most of the time. I waited in a line of hundreds of people to see a group of Top Cow artists and when I reached the table of artists, a person there asked me what I had to sign. I told the person I just wanted a sketch and they asked me to wait. 

I stood for nearly 3 hours as the line dwindled. All the artists, except Michael Turner, could see me waiting. When the last person passed their books to the artists to sign, I thought it was my turn. Every artist stood and walked away as soon as the last comic was signed. Sylvestri even looked at me and made a rude comment I don’t think he realized I heard. I was just thinking I had wasted hours of my life when a girl with the artists noticed me and asked what I was waiting for. I told her I was waiting for a sketch and she said “I will ask Michael, he is very nice.” 

She asked him and he immediately walked up and gave me a sketch with the only thing he had, the felt pen he had used to sign comics. Then he smiled and walked away.