For sale are Dave Ramsey Financial Peace items

· Dave Ramsey The Money Answer Book, 170 page softcover - Book retail $12.99

 ISBN: 978-1-404108779-5

· Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University unopened Preview CD-Rom;  ISBN: 1-934629014-7

· Album of 16 CD's - 13 lessons, each is approx. 1 hour, 2 bonus cd's 30 minutes; Faux leather cover

Album Topics:

Lesson 1 Super Saving
Common Sense for Your Dollars and Cents

Dave explains the Seven Baby Steps that will guide you throughout Financial Peace University. You will also learn the three key reasons why you should save money—and why you must start now!

Lesson 2 Relating With Money
Nerds and Free Spirits Unite!

Learn why it's important for spouses to communicate and work together toward success. Also, singles will learn the importance of teamwork, and parents will find out how to teach their kids about money.

Lesson 3 Cash Flow Planning
The Nuts and Bolts of Budgeting

Unlock the secret of developing a monthly spending plan that really works. Learn how to live on less than you make, pay your bills, allow for entertainment, AND still have money left over at the end of the month.

Lesson 4 Dumping Debt -- Part 1 and Part 2 (2 cd's)
Breaking the Chains of Debt

It's time to debunk some common debt myths! Dave reveals the truth about credit lies and gives you a plan to walk out of debt with confidence.

Lesson 5 Credit Sharks in Suits --

The credit score myth, correcting inaccuracies and identify theft recovery, collection practices

Lesson 6 Buyer Beware
The Power of Marketing on Your Buying Decisions

Dave draws on decades of experience to reveal the power and influence that marketing has on your everyday buying decisions.

Lesson 7 Clause and Effect Insurance basics: homeowners, auto & health, disability: long-term care and identity theft protection, the truth about life insurance

Lesson 8 That's Not good Enough

Creating a win-win deal, 7 rules of negotiating, finding deals:waiting and watching

Lesson 9 Of mice and mutal funds-ground rules and definitions, types of investments, mutual funds

Lesson 10 From fruition to tuition-

retirement plan options, rollovers and thrift plan suggestions, paying for college

Lesson 11 Working in your strengths

getting to know yourself, tips for job hunting, overtime and extra jobs

Lesson 12 real Estate and mortgages

selling your home, buying your home, understanding your mortgage options

Lesson 13 The Great Misunderstanding
Unleashing the Power of Generous Giving

Learn how generous giving can completely revolutionize your attitude and improve your finances, business and

Bonus cd: Dave's Personal Testimony

Bonus cd: The best of Dave Ramsey

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