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Category: Neolithic

Country of Origin/Culture: Vinca Culture or Old Europe Culture

Approximate Age Range: 5,700 BCE - 4500 BCE

Material: Clay/terracotta 

Size: Approx. 3.5" 

Provenance: purchase from a private European collection.

Comments: This ultra rare idol bust depicts a large head of an iconic Vinca mother goddess painted in red ochre pigment. This incredible bust gives us a close-up view of these curious looking Vinca idols. This gorgeous bust is adorned with stunning detail including those iconic large eyes with eyelashes. The bust is topped with a stunning crown or headdress. The figure has some symbols that are probably a form of proto-language that many researcher agree that the Vinca had invented a form of written language based off of bird calls, written in the form of geometric lines and symbols. Yes, bird calls...This actually does make sense when you look at these strange figures they do have many exaggerated bird-like features. This figure for example, has a distinct duck bill. I personally think these do represent humans dressed up as bird-like gods that were worship as idols or celebrated in ceremonies. The figure has been professionally restored as it was found in pieces.

There is a matching male bust that is listed as well. These are extremely rare and you will never see figures of this calibre outside of a museum setting.

This would make a wonderful addition to your prehistoric idol collection! This is an authentic museum quality Vinca idol, and is guaranteed to be so for life, or your money back.

The Vinca are a vastly understudied and great early Eastern European civilization, who's impact on early human development later influenced other great ancient cultures like the Sumerians and Egyptians whom all share a common, central sacred mother and child religious motif, a symbol based language, among other things. 

The ancient Vinca's were an extremely advanced early agrarian society who left behind a stunning and very distinct almost modern artist style that can be seen on the idols and other pottery pieces that have survive the millennia. Their idols are adorned with very modern looking clothing including skirts and v-neck tops that would not look out of place on today's fashion runways. Aside from a thriving arts scene, these people lived in 2 story dwellings, had discovered ancient metallurgy, were very proficient farmers and to date there have never been weapons discovered of any kind, leading archaeologist to believe they did not engage in war , but instead choose a peaceful and harmonious existence. They also established large trade networks as their pottery was very in demand and has been found in many other ancient cultural sites. The Vinca's developed deep religious traditions centering around these very unique looking idol figures in both male and female anthropomorphic forms. Often depicting a owl or bird-like appearance. They have an almost feline look to them. So people suggest they look like aliens! Whatever the true reason is, they sure are unique and very striking. The Vinca also had a written language that may be one of the first ever and can be found cleverly hidden on each piece. The script is made up of various repeating angular lines that are often used to dress the figures in their strange clothes. Remember this is almost 8000 years ago!

We truly wish more research was done on the incredible Vinca culture and I think they may hold the keys to our ancient past.

Here is what Wikipedia has to say about the Vinca culture:

The Vinča culture, also known as Turdaș culture or Turdaș–Vinča culture, was a Neolithic archaeological culture in southeastern Europe, in present-day Serbia, and smaller parts of Bulgaria, Kosovo, Macedonia and Romania (particularly Transylvania), dated to the period 5700–4500 BC or 5300–4700/4500 BC. Named for its type site, Vinča-Belo Brdo, a large tell settlement discovered by Serbian archaeologist Miloje Vasić in 1908, it represents the material remains of a prehistoric society mainly distinguished by its settlement pattern and ritual behaviour.

Farming technology first introduced to the region during the First Temperate Neolithic was developed further by the Vinča culture, fuelling a population boom and producing some of the largest settlements in prehistoric Europe. These settlements maintained a high degree of cultural uniformity through the long-distance exchange of ritual items, but were probably not politically unified. Various styles of zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figurines are hallmarks of the culture, as are the Vinča symbols, which some conjecture to be the earliest form of proto-writing. Although not conventionally considered part of the Chalcolithic or "Copper Age", the Vinča culture provides the earliest known example of copper metallurgy.

Generally speaking craft production within the Vinča network was carried out at the household level; there is little evidence for individual economic specialization. Nevertheless, some Vinča artifacts were made with considerable levels of technical skill. A two-stage method was used to produce pottery with a polished, multi-coloured finish, known as 'Black-topped' and 'Rainbow Ware'. Sometimes powdered cinnabar and limonite were applied to the fired clay for decoration. The style of Vinča clothing can be inferred from figurines depicted with open-necked tunics and decorated skirts. Cloth was woven from both flax and wool (with flax becoming more important in the later Vinča period), and buttons made from shell or stone were also used.

The Vinča site of Pločnik has produced the earliest example of copper tools in the world. However, the people of the Vinča network practiced only an early and limited form of metallurgy. Copper ores were mined on a large scale at sites like Rudna Glava, but only a fraction were smelted and cast into metal artifacts – and these were ornaments and trinkets rather than functional tools, which continued to be made from chipped stone, bone and antler. It is likely that the primary use of mined ores was in their powdered form, in the production of pottery or as bodily decoration.

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