See photos for measurements and condition. Insane fades developing

No returns

Berkeley Supply Co and Snake Oil Provisions have teamed up to collaborate with us on the special release BS69xSOP420 jeans - our popular, super slim 777 cut in our highly revered “Super Black Fades to Grey” (SBG) selvedge denim. This denim is constructed with a sulphur dyed warp which will fade and a non-fading reactive dyed weft, so the jeans will achieve great contrasting fades over time.

Made in Japan

Super slim tapered cut

Low rise

21oz sulphur rope dyed black warp, reactive dyed black weft Japanese selvedge denim

Lined rear pockets

Button fly and hidden rivets

Belt loops sewn into waistband

Poly/cotton constructional stitching

Selvedge side seams and fly construction

Sanforized and one-washed - little to no shrinkage to be expected

The waist will stretch out approximately one inch with wear

Other dimensions will stretch proportionately to the waist