Lot 4 Aerosmith 8 Track Lot Toys in the Attic, Live, Draw The Line, Get You Wing

The Art work is in acceptable condition. Please look through the pictures to see whats includes and the condition.

Bought from an Estate Sale, these are untested and as is.

Whats included
2 Get your Wings
Draw The Line
Toys in the Attic

The 8-track tape (formally Stereo 8; commonly called eight-track cartridge, eight-track tape, and eight-track) is a magnetic tape sound recording technology that was popular from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s, when the compact cassette, which pre-dated the 8-track system, surpassed it in popularity for pre-recorded music.[3][4]

The format was most popular in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Japan. One advantage of the 8-track tape cartridge was that it could play continuously, and did not have to be "flipped over" to play the entire tape. It is now considered to be obsolete, although there are collectors that refurbish these tapes and players as well as some bands that issue these tapes as a novelty. Cheap Trick's The Latest in 2009 was issued on 8-track, as was Dolly Parton's A Holly Dolly Christmas in 2020, the latter with an exclusive bonus track.

The Stereo 8 Cartridge was created in 1964 by a consortium led by Bill Lear, of Lear Jet Corporation,[6] along with Ampex, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Motorola, and RCA Victor Records (RCA - Radio Corporation of America).

The Lear Jet Stereo 8 cartridge was designed by Richard Kraus while working for the Lear Jet Corporation, under Bill Lear, in 1963. The major change was to incorporate a neoprene rubber and nylon pinch roller into the cartridge itself, rather than to make the pinch roller a part of the tape player, reducing mechanical complexity. Lear also eliminated some of the internal parts of the Eash cartridge, such as the tape-tensioning mechanism and an interlock that prevented tape slippage. Because the Stereo-Pak cartridges were prone to jamming due to their complex design, Lear endeavored to redesign them, putting twice the number of tracks on them, doubling their recording time to 80 minutes.

 Eight-track tapes get a bad rap, routinely written off as the poor-sounding, short-lived format between tapes made for reel-to-reel players and the portable cartridges made for cassette decks. But eight-tracks enjoyed a following from their introduction in 1965 to their eventual demise in 1988, and their fidelity was more dependent on the quality of the eight-track deck they were played on than the quality of the tape itself. In addition, even though most of us associate mixtapes with cassettes, the first mixtapes were actually made on eight-track players, which became favorites of home audiophiles beginning in 1968.

Collection, Rock, Rock n Roll Heavy Metal,

Music is part of people’s day-to-day lives, they relate to it and express their emotions through it. It has a broad category to choose from their next favorite genre. So if you’re into Rock music, you are in the right place!

Many people believe that rock ‘n’ roll and rock are the same thing. However, even though they’re regarded as the offspring of rock ‘n’ roll of the 40s and 50s, there are some technical differences between them.

If you’re curious to know what these differences are, then you’ve come to the right place! In this article, I’ll be highlighting the differentiating factors between the two music genres.

Why is Rock called Rock and Roll?

The music term rock ‘n’ roll is derived from the more literal phrase “rocking and rolling”. This phrase was used by 17th-century sailors to explain the motion of the ship on the sea.

Since then, any phrase which described a rhythmic movement of this sort became a risk of getting subjected to a euphemism.

By the 1920s, this term became a common metaphor for dancing or sex. However, it underwent a second transition. In 1922, Trixie Smith, an American singer, used this term in her music and it covered both sex and dancing. However, during this time it was known as rhythm and blues- a type of race music.

This is how the phrase “rocking and rolling” entered the world of music and since then has been used quite widely.

Additionally, DJ Alan Freed in the 1950s started using the phrase to describe the type of hyped-up country music infused with rhythm and blues. By this time the sexual component had died down and the term became an acceptable one for dancing. He tried to promote a “Rock and Roll party”.

However, if he had tried to introduce or promote the “rock n roll” phrase a couple of decades earlier, then it would’ve caused an outrage!
What Are Some of the Technical Differences Between Rock ‘N’ Roll and Rock?

The main difference is that rock ‘n’ roll is usually an upbeat 12-bar blues with country influences. Whereas, rock is a very broad term that consists of many different types. Although it’s more likely to deviate from the 12-bar blues, it still has some blues influences.

Both genres have persistent drum beats and amplified or distorted electric guitars. While rock is an umbrella term, rock ‘n’ roll is a sub-genre of rock music that evolved in the early 1950s.

Although many believe that rock ‘n’ roll is a part of rock music, in fact, it was rock ‘n’ roll that emerged in the 1940s, earlier than rock.

A notable difference is that rock ‘n’ roll was simpler and had clean lyrics. Whereas, rock gradually became aggressive and loud from the times of the Beatles in the 60s to Led Zepplin in the 70s.

In the 1950s and 60s, rock ‘n’ roll music focused on just regular amplifiers, microphones, and simpler instruments. Only the guitars and bass were amplified. The rest of the instruments were typically acoustic.

However, rock music emerged generally from the 1970s onwards and is derived from this early genre of the 50s and 60s. During this time, it added large amplifiers, glam outfits, makeup, and also more practical effects or special effects.

For instance, confetti streamers to pyrotechnic gerbs. The lighting effects also came more frequent on stage in this music era.

Rock ‘n’ roll was lighter and more about foot tapping in the 90s as compared to the rock music of the 2000s. Moreover, rock music has many subgenres. These include:

    Heavy metal
    Indie rock
    Acid rock
    Punk rock
    Funk rock

While these are only a few of the types of rock music genres, there are about 30 more. Rock music has drastically diversified as well as matured over the years.
What Counts as Rock and Roll?

This popular music genre is a combination of elements of rhythm and blues, jazz, and country music. It also has an addition of an electric instrument.

Rock ‘n’ roll is well known for energetic performances, catchy melodies, and insightful lyrics. It was originally associated with youth revolt and transgression.

Since its early days, the genre is constantly evolving and changing.

vintage, old, rock 1970's, Rock n roll, album