Ever fancied a Unique, atmospheric Lamp?

an Attractive and
energy efficient LED bottle light.....

Christmas comes and goes but once you see this you won't want to put it in the loft!

This is a versatile, unique, hand assembled 
Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey Lamp

Just the thing for your mantelpiece, sideboard, home office, hallway...night light...bar?

The clear glass bottle has been carefully cleaned without damaging the labels then filled with white LEDs -

50 warm white LEDs shining out in every direction!

The LEDs are mounted on silver wires and are mysteriously attractive even when not illuminated.

Powered by the included low voltage mains adapter which has
silver / clear insulated wire to the base of the lamp (bottle) itself.

This lamp uses less than 2 watts of power - so can safely be left on 24/ 7.

So little heat produced you cannot feel it getting warm at all -
yet a surprising amount of pleasant, gentle, warm white led light!

Please note - this not a naff batteries in the cork barely glimmering cheap and nasty conversion.... 

Cable length approx 4.5 metres from the bottle to the plug top power supply -

So no problem reaching a convenient mains socket

Bottle dimensions - height 24.5 cm, 8 cm square.

Purchaser of my Red Water Bottle light left the following review:

"Fabulous, Thank You"

Now reduced even more - I need the space - was £21.99 originally