1-3-5  2-4-6 Tops Missouts 5/8" 16mm

Historically gamblers of old were professionals. They didn't take chances, threw those percentage dice in the garbage. They understood that percentage dice like loads/shapes/bevels and capped dice were not 100% guaranteed. There was always a chance the mark may get lucky when "BIG" money was on the line. So they used a sure-fire method, Tops Busters or "Ts" as they were known as in the old days.

Unlike shaped or loaded dice, Tops didn't bring up some of the numbers some of the time. Tops brought up the right numbers at exactly the right time. The action is 100%, and the suckers chance of winning was exactly ZERO.

Tops work off the premise people can't see around corners or be in two places at once. You can only see 3 sides of a die at one time, and this is why they can't be noticed while in play.

1-3-5, 2-4-6 Tops only throw odd numbers, it is impossible to hit an even point! A shooter with a point 4-6-8 or 10 can forget it! It is IMPOSSIBLE for him to throw his point, ZERO CHANCE he must 7 out. All of this happens with dice rolling that look straight as an arrow when in action.

All Tops we sell come with a set of matching FRONTS or fair dice. The old gamblers of history used Top missouts with a cutter (a man) in the game that bust them in and rips them out when needed. A shooter that has craped out has no legitimate reason to pick the dice up again. So, how do you get the dice out of the game? The cutter or guy at the end of the table who throws the dice back to the shooters, or a stick man like you see in Vegas, does the dirty work.

Even the smart boys would get clipped by these dice.