Hidnophytum is a genus of perennial epiphytic plants with a woody tuber of the Rubiaceae family.

Like plants of the genus Myrmecodia, Hidnophytum grows a large caudex, which not only stores moisture and nutrients, but also serves as a home for ants, which in turn provide the plant with necessary and useful elements.  Representatives of the genus grow on the trunks and branches of trees, clinging to them with their roots, while not parasitizing due to symbiosis with ants.

In the culture of Hindophytum, it can be kept in a pot without any problems, getting into the substrate the plant adapts and becomes its own root.

Hidnophytums like warm and humid conditions with good circulation of fresh air.  Growing them is not difficult for those who are familiar with the cultivation of orchids or tropical ferns.  In comfortable conditions, "anthills" grow quickly - after 4-5 years, the tubers can reach more than 15 cm in diameter.

It is better to water the plants less often, but with plenty of water, allowing the substrate to almost dry out before the next watering.  But drying out the substrate can put the plant into a dormant state, where it will lose a lot of leaves, and eventually roots.  The frequency of irrigation directly depends on the permeability of the substrate and the ambient temperature.  In the heat, the plant slows down growth, direct sunlight can burn its leaves and caudex.  In cold weather and in winter, watering is reduced, preventing the substrate from completely drying out.