Original Soviet badges of the USSR Space program "First Sputnik" 1957

       Space icons of the USSR (quantity 3 pieces)
- The "Forecast-2 Station"badge reflects one of the Soviet space programs dedicated to the study of the Earth's atmosphere.
This space station was developed and launched by the Soviet Union to collect data on the weather and climate on Earth. "Station Forecast-2" played an important role in forecasting weather and seasonal changes, which was of great importance for agriculture, transport, and other areas of human activity.
  - "The badge "USSR Space First Sputnik 1957" is a symbol of the great achievement of Soviet science and technology. This sign recalls October 4, 1957, when the first artificial Earth satellite, called Sputnik-1, was successfully launched. This historical moment became the starting point in history space age, opening a new era in space exploration. The launch of Sputnik 1 showed the whole world that humanity is capable of transcending the boundaries of the earth's atmosphere and exploring outer space.
- The "USSR Ship Vostok-1" badge reflects an important event in the history of mankind - the flight of the first man into space. On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made a historic flight aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft, becoming the first person to travel into outer space. This sign is a symbol of courage and scientific achievements of the Soviet cosmonautics. Gagarin's flight opened a new era in space exploration and became the starting point in human exploration of outer space. The "USSR Ship Vostok-1" badge is a memorable symbol of this great event in the history of mankind and its contribution to the development of space science."

                 Good and rare badges from the USSR
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