brain and memory power boost - BLACK MACA - natural energy booster for women 1 BOTTLE


BLACK MACA: If you asked the ancient Incas to name their ‘go to’ superfoods, maca would have been top of the list. Though most modern cultures are only just catching on to the perks of this sweet-tasting South American root, in Peru, the magic of maca – to balance hormones and invigorate – has been known for thousands of years. Maca is a potent nutritional supplement that boasts the following healing and health secrets.

BLACK MACA BOOSTS COGNITIVE FUNCTION: While more research is still needed, Black maca may be useful for promoting healthier cognitive function. A study on mice in the Journal of Evidence Based Complementary Alternative Medicin found that Black maca may improve learning and memory by its capacity to reduce oxidative stress. “When different varieties of maca (red, yellow and black) were compared for its capacity to induce memory improvement, Black maca showed the greatest effect,” the study reported.

BLACK MACA ENERGY BOOSTER: Maca is frequently consumed to boost both both energy and mood. The research looking at maca for energy and mood is still developing, but some randomized trials have shown promise, according to a study done by the journal Ethnopharmacology. The study looked at cyclists and found they had performed better after maca supplementation, as opposed to those who did not supplement with maca.

BLACK MACA MOOD SUPPORTER: A 2008 study in the journal Menopause also found that maca may have a positive effect on the moods of those with depression and . While people might not be swapping coffee for black maca any time soon, it may be a great way to supplement your morning ritual. In rats, maca reduced depression-like behaviors. Maca taken for 6 weeks lowered and depression symptoms in studies (DB-RCTs) of 43 postmenopausal women. In a study (DB-RCT) of 197 people, 12 weeks of maca supplementation improved mood.

BLACK MACA BONE DENSITY PROMOTER: Black maca was shown to have some protective effects on bone architecture in female mice, according to a study in Research in Complimentary Science. It may also increase bone density in women, according to the journal International Journal of Biomedical Science. In a pilot study (DB-RCT) of 12 menopausal women, maca increased bone density over 4 months. Maca also reduces bone loss due to reduced estrogen levels in rats. Maca contains calcium and phosphorous. Both of these nutrients help strengthen bones. Black and red varieties of maca appear to the most beneficial.

BLACK MACA ANTI INFLAMMATION BENEFITS: Black maca decreased markers of oxidative stress in test subjects. In a study of 50 people, those who regularly consumed maca had lower levels of inflammation (IL-6) than those who did not.

BLACK MACA STIMULATES LIBIDO: Maca has been used for centuries in Peru to boost libido and virility. Though its aphrodisiac affects are not well understood by science, it’s ability to stimulate sexual sensation and desire is not unknown. Some experts believe its libido lift is caused by maca’s unique long chain fatty acids called, macaenes and macamides, which have yet not been found in any other plant. They have been shown to increase sexual activity and boost blood flow to intimate areas in animals. And they are similar in structure to endocannabinoids, chemicals that stimulate pleasure hotspots in our brain.

BLACK MACA REDUCE APPETITE: Maca is high in fibers, such as cellulose and lignins, which improve gut health. Fiber is also an effective tummy filler, which can reduce hunger between meals. Most maca powders also contain between 11% to 18% protein. Your body needs protein to build muscle, promote fat burning, and support the healthy function of all your cells. Nine amino acids are considered ‘essential’, to your health and the optimal function of your body. Maca contains 7 of them and many others that are non-essential.

CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.