L-DOPA / Mucuna Pruriens
Sexual & Immune Enhancer
Manufactured for PL Nutrition
Made in USA
3 Bottles 180 Capsules

Revitalizes both the male & female reproductive systems
Supports a healthy central & peripheral nervous system
Supports the body’s ability to handle stress
Is a natural source of levodopa (L-dopa)
Supports physical balance & posture
Promotes healthy motor skills & coordination
Improves energy & endurance
Supports the intellect
Bolsters libido
What is Mucuna Pruriens?

Mucuna pruriens is a tropical vine that produces bean pods covered in prickly velvet hair. The seeds inside of these pods are the most valuable part of the plant from a medicinal point of view. Also known as kapikachhu, cowhage and velvet bean, mucuna pruriens has been used for centuries in many traditional cultures as a healing plant for a variety of different ailments. In Ayurvedic medicine, kapikachhu is known as a nerve tonic and adaptogen that helps the body deal with stress. It also has quite a reputation as an aphrodisiac.
Modern science has revealed the velvet bean to be one of the best food sources of the amino acid L-dopa. Also called levodopa, L-dopa is a direct precursor to dopamine, a powerful neurotransmitter in your brain involved in mood, alertness, sexuality and many other important functions.
Dopamine doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier so it cannot be taken or administered directly for therapeutic results. You can however potentially increase your dopamine levels if you’re low on it by making available more of the amino acid L-dopa for dopamine creation.

Mucuna Pruriens Benefits in Summary

Mucuna pruriens is one of the most potent mood enhancing and libido stimulating superfoods available, with noticeable health benefits and a long list of uses.
This powerful herb can have a direct influence on your brain’s neurotransmitters and potentially have beneficial effects on your mental state, energy levels, ability to relax and even body composition and libido. 
Mucuna gently increases dopamine by providing L-dopa. The herb is one of the best natural sources of the amino acid L-dopa.
Increases energy levels, enhances concentration and improves mood. By raising low dopamine levels, mucuna pruriens can have a positive effect on motivation, attention span, general outlook and many other aspects of mental well being.
Mucuna Pruriens helps reduce excessive prolactin and increases testosterone in the body. Many women and men notice an increase in sexual desire, libido and performance when taking the herb due to higher testosterone levels and mucuna is often considered an aphrodisiac.
Mucuna benefits also include improved relaxation and help getting to sleep. Higher dopamine levels are also associated with lower stress and an improved ability to relax and sleep.

The neurotransmitter dopamine acts upon your central nervous system and, in concert with other neurotransmitters, plays a vital role in motivation, attention, memory, mood, relaxation, sexual desire, sleep and many other areas. 
Regularly using stimulants like caffeine, high levels of sugar, nicotine and other drugs can lead to a lowering of dopamine production in the brain and leave you feeling edgy, craving food, restless and unable to relax.

How Mucuna Pruriens Increases Testosterone. 
Testosterone production plays a central role in libido and sexual performance for both men and women. While women produce much less testosterone than men, it is still a vital  for sexual interest and desire. Mucuna has been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac for both men and women. 

Better Sleep with Velvet Bean
Dopamine plays an important role in the brain processes that lead to falling asleep.
It makes sense that even a mild reduction in dopamine and the associated tension and restlessness would be likely to result in trouble sleeping.
Elevating dopamine levels too high though may well have the opposite effect so it’s important to start off at a low dosage. Having the herb well before sleep rather than right before bed would also be likely to be more effective.

Side Effects of Mucuna Pruriens
While it is generally considered safe and has helped many people with low dopamine levels and other health benefits, there are some mucuna pruriens side effects and precautions to be aware of.
While it is considered much safer than taking isolated L-dopa, mucuna pruriens can be potent and it’s best to start off at a low dosage so you can monitor your results for the first few days. After that time you can slowly increasing the dose if needed. Definitely don’t take a large dose on your first time taking the herb as some people can be sensitive to its effects.
Start off slow and never exceed the recommended dosage. It will last much longer and be likely to work more effectively used in small regular doses, rather than occasionally taken in excess.
It’s better to take mucuna on an empty stomach before food or other supplements as protein and vitamin B6 in particular can interfere with its absorption.
If it is being taken to improve your mental state and mood during the day, then one capsule would be taken before breakfast with a large glass of water.
If you’re using the herb primarily to increase libido, it could be taken in the evening, several hours after any food you had in the afternoon and ideally an hour or more before dinner.
After several days of using mucuna pruriens with positive results, you could try taking a capsule in both the morning and early evening. It’s much better though to start off with just one. 

Mental clarity- L-DOPA / Mucuna Pruriens- Boosts Testosterone and Libido-180

Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Serving Per Container: 60
Amount per Serving % Daily Value
Mucuna Pruriens Extract 350 mg
(L-Dopa 99% extract)
* Daily Value is not established

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin Capsule, Rice Powder, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, Silica.
DIRECTION: For adults, take one (1) quick release capsule in the morning and one (1) quick release capsule in the evening, preferably with meals.
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin Capsule, Rice Powder, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, Silica.
CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition 
should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.