hot sexy hair support - DHT BLOCKER HAIR COMPLEX - dht pills for men 2BOTTLE


DHT BLOCKER HAIR COMPLEX: As people age, Dihydrotestosteron wreaks havoc on the thickness and color of hair. DHT makes the hair deteriorate over time and the formula provided by the natural supplement as you read on may counteract hair and color loss (everyone reacts different to natural supplements). Even when results vary from person to person, the research and studies conducted for each ingredient show excellent results!

DHT BLOCKER HAIR COMPLEX REAWAKEN HAIR: Saw palmetto might stop or reverse androgenic alopecia, or male-pattern baldness in aging men. As a man ages, testosteron levels decrease, and DHT levels increase. Since the hair follicles are sensitive to DHT, they shrink, minimizing hair growth and causing hair loss. Saw palmetto stops testosteron from converting into DHT, which may reverse hair loss and baldness. One study showed a 60 percent improvement in AGA after the subjects were supplemented compared to placebo.

DHT BLOCKER HAIR COMPLEX MAY BUILD MUSCLE: One of the more recent developments in the saw palmetto debate is its impact on muscle mass. Many bodybuilders and people engaged in serious gym time have turned to saw palmetto as a workout supplement. Although research into saw palmetto’s impact on muscle mass and development is still ongoing, early reports show a correlation between the two. It makes sense, given the impact saw palmetto has on testosteron in the system, which is responsible for muscle mass increase.

DHT BLOCKER HAIR COMPLEX SUPPORTS KIDNEYS: The urinary organs can weaken with age, which is why incontinence is so common in the elderly population. Research suggests that saw palmetto has strong chemical components that can strengthen urinary organs to reduce and stop incontinence, and also improve the health of the kidneys. If you are at risk of developing kidney problems or already suffer from them, saw palmetto supplementation can be a great way to prevent future issues.

DHT BLOCKER HAIR COMPLEX INFLAMMATION REDUCTION: We know that inflammation is a big cause of numerous conditions and the immediate go-to is typically an over-the-counter synthetic substance. However, kudzu may be an alternative option. According to research published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, subjects were given kudzu root, also known as Pueraria tuberosa, to see if it reduced inflammation. The findings concluded that not only did it reduce inflammation, but it exhibited antioxidant properties, making it a possible alternative to commercial medication.

DHT BLOCKER HAIR COMPLEX FOR SKIN: Fo-ti is used in certain skin care and hair products and can be applied directly to the skin to help remedy many different ailments, such as acne, sores, carbuncles, skin eruptions, itching, athlete’s foot, dermatitis, razor burn and scrapes. Fo-ti can protect the skin thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Interanlly ingesting he shou wu can have similar if not better effects.

DHT BLOCKER HAIR COMPLEX BRINGS COLOR TO HAIR: Some use fo-ti to help prevent premature graying of the hair, thinning hair or hair loss. In fact, because it is said to bring color back to graying hair, the Chinese translation of he shou wu is “Mr. He’s Black Hair.” Evidence was found that fo-ti used at safe doses can act as a potential agent for the remedying of early hair graying and other loss pigmentation-related conditions. Fo-ti seems to significantly induce melanin synthesis, having a positive effect on hair pigment.

DHT BLOCKER HAIR COMPLEX CAN HELP REMEMBER: Studies conducted on mice by researchers at the Department of Scientific Research at Xi’an Jiaotong University College in China have found that TSG, one of the anti-inflammatory and bioactive compounds purified from fo-ti root, can help to significantly reduce age-related changes in the hippocampus section of the brain and offer neuroprotection that may help reduce and stop memory issues especially in elderly people.

CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.