Nice cover featuring Phil and his all girl band.  This song was adapted from F.W. Meacham's "American Patrol" with words by Edgar Leslie; Music adapted by Joseph A. Burke and published 1942.   Here is the first verse:


We Must Be Vililant!  We Must Be Vigilant! American Patrol! With arms for the army, ships for the navy,let this be our goal.  We must be diligent! We must be diligent! American Patrol.


Phil Spitalny was a music critic, composer, and bandleader heard often on radio during the 1930s and 1940s. He rose to fame after he led an all-female orchestra, a novelty at the time.  Spitalny was born in Tetiev and was a student at the Odessa Conservatory of Music. A child prodigy on clarinet, he toured Russia and came to the United States in 1905.


He led orchestras under the name Phil Spitalny and His All-Girl Orchestra, beginning with Hour of Charm Orchestra on his radio program The Hour of Charm in 1934.