New sealed box set. First image shows what is inside. You will receive a sealed box as in the second image.


INSANITY MAX:30 is a natural next step once you complete INSANITY — or if you’re already in great shape and looking for a challenging program with workouts that last no longer than 30 minutes.

But the inclusion of modifiers also makes this program doable for people who aren’t quite fit enough to tackle INSANITY (which only has 60 minute workouts & no modifiers). As a result, it’s amenable to a wider range of fitness levels.

With INSANITY, you can expect to sweat for between 40 and 60 minutes on most days of the week — longer on days that include an additional core workout.

With INSANITY MAX:30 you’ll be done in 30 minutes every time (unless you follow the Ab Maximizer Workout Calendar, which occasionally throws in an additional 10- to 15-minute core workout).

Does that mean INSANITY MAX:30 workouts are easier? By no means.

In fact, you can think of an INSANITY MAX:30 workout as condensing the intensity of a typical INSANITY workout into half the time.

That can make them even more challenging. And with 150 new moves and a greater emphasis on strength building, INSANITY MAX:30 workouts are anything but typical INSANITY workouts.

They’re each the brainchild of Beachbody Super Trainer Shaun T, the workouts are rooted in high-intensity interval training (HIIT), both last 60 days and require no equipment, both will push the limits of your endurance and test your grit, and they’ll both elevate you to an elite level of fitness.

But make no mistake: INSANITY MAX:30 is not INSANITY 2.0.