Hydrogen oxygen breathing machine

Oxygen breathing apparatus

CE and ISO documents are available.

You can find videos about the use of the product in patients from the link.


The machine produces high purity oxygen and hydrogen gas. Unlike other air-generating oxygen concentrators, the device can produce pure oxygen by separating hydrogen and oxygen from the water. The average life of the system reaches 30 thousand hours. There is no shortage of filter change. You take it once and use it for years without the need for parts replacement.


Pure Oxygen inhalation quickly relieves the patient in situations such as shortness of breath and lung failure. In addition, it is used in the treatment of various lung diseases and many diseases listed below.

 Hydrogen respirator is mainly composed of electrolysis system, pressure control system, purification system and display system. Hydrogen and oxygen  is produced by electrolyzing water. It has the advantages of large electrolysis area, low cell temperature, good performance, large gas production and high purity.


According to the research of many medical institutions and experts and scholars in the world, it has been found that hydrogen in hydrogen respirators has the following six special functions:

1. Prolonging Life

Both the Japanese and American hydrogen research teams have done such an experiment. They studied two white mice of the same kind. The study found that the lifespan of long-term drinking hydrogen water white mice is much longer than that of ordinary white mice.

2. Whitening and freckle removing

According to many research team experiments, long-term breathing hydrogen and drinking hydrogen water can effectively improve skin elasticity, reduce spots, and make the skin more white and tender.

3. Weight Loss Efficiency

According to many years of in-depth research by Professor Tada Chengando, Institute of Geriatrics, Japan Medical University, hydrogen has the effect of weight loss, and the research results have passed international certification.

4. Antioxidation

Research Institute of Nanjing Medical University has proved that long-term breathing hydrogen and drinking hydrogen water can improve human antioxidants, thereby neutralizing malignant reactive oxygen species in human body and repairing human cells.

5. Improving immunity

According to the research of Hiroshima University Medical Research Institute, breathing hydrogen and drinking hydrogen water can effectively promote collagen synthesis of human fibroblasts, scavenge human free radicals, inhibit keratinocyte death and improve human immunity.

6. Treatment of diseases

Hydrogen can treat many diseases. The important effect of hydrogen is to treat oxidative stress-related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, cancer and other major human diseases.

Hydrogen gas for your health

The main benefits of hydrogen inhalation:

Alleviates rheumatism
Stimulates energy metabolism to help prevent weight gain
Enhances endurance and overall physical condition
Regulates your antioxidant system (glutathione, catalase, SOD, etc.)
Reduces hydroxyl free radicals (main cause of aging)
Reduction in blood pressure
Increases mental clarity
Neurotherapeutic – promotes post-injury neuroregeneration
Improved allergies and asthma conditions
Extremely safe, no toxic affects
Water tastes smooth and light
Addresses systemic oxidative stress better than all other nutrients (smallest, most bioavailable antioxidant molecule, scavenges ONLY most destructive radicals, converting them to water – no toxic byproduct)
Improves cellular hydration
Alkalizes and neutralize acidic terrain
Stimulates ATP production outside of mitochondrial electron transport chain
Neuroprotective – may lower risks of impact sports
Lower saturated fat levels
Reduces cellulite and wrinkles
Stronger and thicker hair
H2, like other gaseous signaling molecules (i.e. NO, CO, H2S), appears to have cell signal-modulating activity affording it with anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, and anti-allergy benefits 
Protects against radiation damage
Supports glucose homeostasis
Ulcers and sores healing
Faster recovery from diseases
Compliments other antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione)
Reduces exercise related lactic acid
Prevents age related decline in cognitive capacity
Lowers cholesterol levels
Eliminates warts and mitigates scars

you can verify these findings, and more, on Tyler LeBaron's web site,

 The best way to take in hydrogen is to breathe it. A cannula is included in the kit for breathing it in. Cannulas are inexpensive and readily available so multiple family members can use it. The next best way is to drink hydrogen infused water. An 'air stone' is also included for infusing water with hydrogen. About 15 minutes is long enough for hydrogen infused water (up to 1.5ppm), but the hydrogen dissipates quickly from the water, and will not keep past a few hours. The water from the second humidifier bottle, can be drunk after each session as well. We recommend steam distilled or reverse osmosis water for the humidifiers, as the best water to drink has the lowest TDS (total dissolved solids). . For joints, skin, and wound healing, direct the output hose to the area, and wrap the area in plastic. You cannot “overdose” on hydrogen, and can literally breathe it all day, but most people breathe it for 30 minutes to a couple of hours a day, although several 30 minute sessions per day is best. Most clients breathe it in while they are working at their computer or watching TV. . Our cyberhydrogen can also raise your blood oxygen levels. Customers have also fed the hydrogen into gloves, to relieve carpel tunnel symptoms.

As hydrogen-oxygen (HHO) is an explosive gas, our unit has several safety features to prevent any mishaps, such as a check valve,  low liquid level control , and over-temperature shutoff sensor. cyberhydrogen is a professional unit, designed to be used in a chiropractor or natural healers office, and it's easy to use – just fill it once with electrolyte fluid, and start using it. There is an on switch and a convenient timer, settable for 0 minutes to 15 minute, and operates on standard 110-125VAC or 220-240v AC.
The device consumes an average of 280 watts of energy and produces 1 liter of hho gas per minute. The operating voltage, cell current and power value of the device can be monitored from the display. The water level of the main tank and filter tank with two led light are shown. The light goes out when the water level is low. Water should be added until light is on. Each unit is tested before shipping, and will function perfectly for years to come. The warranty is 1 years, parts and labor, but with proper care, your unit will last for years. We also offer after sales support through email . 

The electrolysis cell that we use in our device is the longest lasting cell in the world. Super-strong material is a cell that we can use for 20 years. We are proud to produce the best quality electrolysis cell in the world. This cell is the first and only electrolysis cell in the world. The gas produced is divided into micronized parts and the liquid is filtered to provide pure hydrogen and oxygen gas. When this gas fades, you will see no odor. Hho gas is an odorless, tasteless gas.

  • Machine features:

☑ avant-garde design;

☑ Lightweight Aluminum body;

☑ Patented domestic product

☑ 1 years Warranty

  • Two working modes:

  • Hydrogen Water production;
  • Hydrogen Respiration.

⚠ The inhaled hydrogen concentration is safe and there is no risk of spontaneous combustion! There are international standards for hydrogen therapy. For the minimum amount of hydrogen-oxygen gas taken during treatment to have the desired effect, the standard is 120 to 240 milliliters of gas per minute. In studies conducted on humans, no problems were encountered in gas use up to 3000 ml per minute.

Our differences from pem membrane systems:

1- The machine gives pure hydrogen and oxygen gas. It does not create foul-smelling ozone gas at all. Devices with pink membranes create ozone gas and this water is very difficult to drink due to the bad smell. Ozone gas also damages the good bacteria in the intestines. Over time, it causes bloating in the abdomen.

2-By breathing hydrogen gas, you can get 100 times more hydrogen than you would get from water, very easily and in a short time. Since it does not contain ozone gas, it does not cause any discomfort.

3- If you want, you can apply the gas directly to the wound by creating a pocket with a nylon bag. This ensures rapid healing in the wound. It is not possible to do this with hydrogen water.

4-Inhaling hydrogen gives very good results in lung diseases. It is not possible to get such good results with hydrogen water.

5-Hydrogen water is first absorbed from the intestines, while most of the hydrogen is excreted before it can mix with the blood. However, when you inhale hydrogen, the gas mixes directly from the lungs into the blood and can reach the entire body.

Gas production: 0-1000 ml/min

Gas produced: Hydrogen 66.67% + Oxygen 33.33%;

Hydrogen cell: Dry type

Cell electrodes: Super strong plate

Total size: H22/L30/W27 cm

Weight (laden): 4.5 kg

Operating temperature: 0 – 50 degrees Celsius

Working pressure: 0.1 – 1 bar max

Power: 110-220VAC 1.59A

☑ Display of amperage, voltage, instantaneous power consumption, total power consumption, total run time

☑ 1-9999 minutes time setting

☑ The desired amount of gas production with the power adjustment button;

☑ Main tank and filter tank level indicator with LED light;

☑ Illuminated on/off switch

☑ Gas purification unit and water filter for humidification;

☑ Visual level control on the water filter;

☑ Plastic carrying handle

☑ Quiet operation

The machine can produce up to 1000 ml of gas per minute. gas production amount can be adjusted easily.


Cyber hydrogen device for health

user's manual
