Prairie Shadows HO Trinity 50' High Cube Boxcar

Prairie Shadows is proud to introduce the ultimate Trinity 50' High Cube Boxcar. 

Optimized for paper service or similar commodities, these iconic cars can be seen all over North America.  Trinity started production of these 50' 6" cars in 1997 in Greenville, PA.  Production later expanded into Mexico in the early 2000s and multiple variations of the car were produced over the last 20 years. If you are modeling the mid 90s or later, these cars are a must for any railroad with paper service.

We are not just producing a single version of the high cube. We are producing over 10 variations of the car. From the early 6200 cu ft 10' doors to the later 6275 cu ft 12' door cars, we have you covered in a variety of paint schemes. 
Our cars feature: 
- Multiple Doors
- Multiple Car Sides 
- Many Separately Applied Parts
- Multiple Underframes and Brake Rigging 
- 4 Roof Variations
- Etched Metal Platforms
- 3 100T Truck Variations
- 36" CNC Metal Wheels
- Kadee Scale Couplers