Kodak 29.5mm to Series VI (6) Adapter: Very good condition. Kodak says this is the correct adapter for Retina Ib, II, IIa, IIb, IIc, and IIIc cameras with 50mm f/2.8 and f/2 lenses (Xenon, Xenar, Heligon) or a Retina Ia with a 50mm f/2.8 Xenar, or a Retina II with a 50mm f/3.5 Ektar.

This is all made very confusing since Kodak called the filter size "32mm" because that was the outer diameter of the filters. 

This will NOT fit a Retina I with an f/3.5 Xenar or Ektar. Nor will it fit the Retina II with a 47mm f/2 Ektar or f/4.6 Anastigmat Ektar.