The postcard features a young boy named Ellis Ernest feeding his chickens in front of a house. The sender, Gertie Griffis, mentions that this is their house and that Ellis loves to feed the chickens. The postcard is addressed to someone named Chis, with the request to write back soon.This postcard provides a glimpse into the life of a young boy in the early 20th century, showing a simple yet charming scene of daily life. It also gives us a peek into the communication style of the time, with handwritten messages and the use of postcards for correspondence.Postcards have been a popular form of communication for over a century, allowing people to send quick messages and share snapshots of their lives with others. The first known picture postcard was sent in 1840, and they quickly became a popular way to stay in touch with friends and family.Postcards have also been used for advertising, tourism, and propaganda purposes. During World War I, postcards were used to boost morale and spread propaganda. They were also used to share images of exotic locations and promote tourism.Today, postcards are still used for communication, but they have also become collectible items. Postcard collecting, or deltiology, is a popular hobby for many people around the world. Collectors seek out postcards from different eras, locations, and themes, creating a diverse and fascinating collection.The postcard featuring Ellis Ernest feeding his chickens is a charming snapshot of a bygone era, capturing a simple moment in time. It serves as a reminder of the importance of communication and connection, even in the simplest of forms.