Tags in very rare style, on Deer Red Parchment Beautiful rare

Book of Deuteronomy 18:22–22:3
"The laws of war"

You are bidding on a section of an ancient Manuscript hand-written Torah Scroll Fragment in the Original Hebrew Language on Deer Parchment. This hand-written fragment is approximately 350-400 years old and made from Deer skin. This Scroll came from Yemen, it is prized for its beauty of its soft deer parchment and its beautiful writing. The scroll has a beautiful  Reddish brown deep color like scrolls that come from early Yemen origins. This deep color is due to the process used in making the scroll, this process ages to a deeper  red Brown color over the centuries. Torah Fragments like these are extremely rare and seldom seen in synagogues or available due to their age. 

The Torah Scroll considering its age is well preserved and in good condition and will stay beautiful with care for centuries to come overall in good condition relative to its age.

How nice it would be to take a piece of hisotria of this Torah and frame it and present it in a dignified manner it will be well preserved for many years to come.
Please see the pictures

This is a section of an ancient Manuscript. This Torah Scroll Fragment is written in the Authentic  Hebrew Language on Deer Skin Parchment, This portion is one of a kind with style that was used in Yemen Approx. 350-400 years ago, there are strange looking Hebrew letters and style that dates it for approx. 350+ years.

There are many special characters and Spirals in this Torah like the   'Pe lefufa' or spiral Pe having its 'nose' twisted inwards (it was also called 'a double Pe' that means a Pe having another inside),  The scribal tradition of the 'anomalous, curved and spiral letters' the present Torah-scroll into a special rarity. These special characters has a kabalistic meaning to them. 

The "Tags" Torah crowns:
The passage before us is very rare and very unique it was written according to an ancient and rare tradition and very few Torah scrolls were written in this style.
The letters that according to tradition should have 3 tags
ג, ז, ט, נ, ע, צ, ש (the sign: שעטנ"ז ג"ץ)
In the scroll before us there are 3 tags also on additional letters that are not according to the accepted tradition such as the letters
כ, ך, מ, ם, פ, ף
Extremely rare!!!

IMG_8254 (1024x768)

The piece measures approx. 55 X 39 CM 
(21.65" X 15.35")

Book of Deuteronomy 18:22–22:3

 This section covers -
''The laws of war''

1 When you go to war against your enemies and you see horses and chariots and an army that is bigger than yours, don’t be afraid of them. The Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, will be with you. 2 The priest must come and speak to the army before you go into battle. 3 He will say, “Listen, Israel! Today you are going into battle against your enemies. Don’t lose your courage or be afraid. Don’t panic or be frightened, 4 because the Lord your God goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies and to save you.”

5 The officers should say to the army, “Has anyone built a new house but not given it to God? He may go home, because he might die in battle and someone else would get to give his house to God. 6 Has anyone planted a vineyard and not begun to enjoy it? He may go home, because he might die in battle and someone else would enjoy his vineyard. 7 Is any man engaged to a woman and not yet married to her? He may go home, because he might die in battle and someone else would marry her.” 8 Then the officers should also say, “Is anyone here afraid? Has anyone lost his courage? He may go home so that he will not cause others to lose their courage, too.” 9 When the officers finish speaking to the army, they should appoint commanders to lead it.

10 When you march up to attack a city, first make them an offer of peace. 11 If they accept your offer and open their gates to you, all the people of that city will become your slaves and work for you. 12 But if they do not make peace with you and fight you in battle, you should surround that city. 13 The Lord your God will give it to you. Then kill all the men with your swords, 14 and you may take everything else in the city for yourselves. Take the women, children, and animals, and you may use these things the Lord your God gives you from your enemies. 15 Do this to all the cities that are far away, that do not belong to the nations nearby.

16 But leave nothing alive in the cities of the land the Lord your God is giving you. 17 Completely destroy these people: the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, as the Lord your God has commanded. 18 Otherwise, they will teach you what they do for their gods, and if you do these hateful things, you will sin against the Lord your God.

19 If you surround and attack a city for a long time, trying to capture it, do not destroy its trees with an ax. You can eat the fruit from the trees, but do not cut them down. These trees are not the enemy, so don’t make war against them. 20 But you may cut down trees that you know are not fruit trees and use them to build devices to attack the city walls, until the city is captured.

21 Suppose someone is found murdered, lying in a field in the land the Lord your God is giving you as your own, and no one knows who killed the person. 2 Your elders and judges should go to where the body was found, and they should measure how far it is to the nearby cities. 3 The elders of the city nearest the body must take a young cow that has never worked or worn a yoke, 4 and they must lead her down to a valley that has never been plowed or planted, with a stream flowing through it. There they must break the young cow’s neck. 5 The priests, the sons of Levi, should come forward, because they have been chosen by the Lord your God to serve him and to give blessings in the Lord’s name. They are the ones who decide cases of quarreling and attacks. 6 Then all the elders of the city nearest the murdered person should wash their hands over the young cow whose neck was broken in the valley. 7 They should declare: “We did not kill this person, and we did not see it happen. 8 Lord, remove this sin from your people Israel, whom you have saved. Don’t blame your people, the Israelites, for the murder of this innocent person.” And so the murder will be paid for. 9 Then you will have removed from yourselves the guilt of murdering an innocent person, because you will be doing what the Lord says is right.

Captive Women as Wives
10 When you go to war against your enemies, the Lord will help you defeat them so that you will take them captive. 11 If you see a beautiful woman among the captives and are attracted to her, you may take her as your wife. 12 Bring her into your home, where she must shave her head and cut her nails 13 and change the clothes she was wearing when you captured her. After she has lived in your house and cried for her parents for a month, you may marry her. You will be her husband, and she will be your wife. 14 But if you are not pleased with her, you must let her go anywhere she wants. You must not sell her for money or make her a slave, because you have taken away her honor.



*heavy and thick vellum - WILD DEER VELLUM  RED BROWN COLOR

*It originates from a synagogue OF YEMENI JEWS.

*Very few Torah scrolls were seen in this style of tags.

* Rarity: Extremely rare

How nice to own a of fragments of ancient and rare Torah these, Torah Bible Fragment 350+ year-old  as a family heirloom and stunning display item for your home. An ancient Torah scroll bible fragment  makes the ideal family heirloom. You and your children can gain a deeper appreciation for the Bible by holding one of the earliest  Hebrew  writings in their hands.



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