Play th3 Country music with the medival fiddel and bag pipes. Dun dunn dun dunn dun dunnn! Stomp stomp. "Whurcks" mumms the ox. Woah there Sally! Yells the knight. You see that "Freddie on look out. Johnny views in a distance! A great deal on ebay from venfra oooo my we gotta buy!

Just kidding

Thanks for viewing guys and gals! Wargaming,collecting kitbashing. This model is all pewter! Heavy little bulk! Propped together and painted by a genuine good painter. I like it! Atlas my wife does not. So i must separate myself from such a caste.

O wow is me. Dont forget to lock in the bids and if your really kean on buying. Buy now is available. Will ship efficiently and safely!

Cheers thanks again!