This is a lot of 8 hardcover/dustjacket & 6 paperback religion books/essays with 13 by Henri J M Nouwen and 1 a biography of Nouwen by Jurgen Boumen. .

Includes both fiction and nonfiction.

1.     Intimacy, Fides Publisher, 1970, paperback

2.     Creative Ministry, 1978, Image, paperback

3.     Clowning in Rome, 1979, Image, Reflections on Solitude, Celibacy, Prayer, and Contemplation

4.     The Way of the Heart, 1981, Ballantine, paperback, tanned pages, good condition

5.     A Letter of Consolation, 1989, Harper & Row, Paper back

6.     Letters to Marc About Jesus, Hardcover/dustjacket, 1988, Harper & Row

7.     Walk with Jesus, Paperback, 1990, Orbis

8.    Bread for the Journey, Harper Collins, 1985, 1st ed, A Daybook of Wisdom & Faith, Hardcover/dustjacket, tanned pages

9.   In the Name of Jesus, Crossroads, hardcover/dustjacket 1989, Reflections on Christian Leadership

10. Life of the Beloved, hardcover/dustjacket, 1997, Crossroad

11. The Road to Daybreak, hardcover/dustjacket, Doubleday, 1988, A spiritual Journey

12.  The Inner Voice of Love, hardcover/dustjacket, 1996, Doubleday, small ink mark on the cover,

13.  Adam, God’s Beloved, hardcover/dustjacket, 1997, Orbis

14. Henri Nouwen, by Jurgen Boumen, Hardcover/dustjacket, 1997, Crossroads