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"1st appearance of Shatterstar (Arides) Panic in New York! In an attempt to contact the Fantastic Four, the Royal Family journeys to New York City to try to determine what is causing deadly quakes in Attlan. In the interim, the Kree send their agent Shatterstar to capture the Inhumans who were the Kree's previous genetic experiment. The dissident Falzon strongly objects to the Kree's decision to capture the Inhumans and travels to Earth is a space ship to warn the Royal Family in New York. Chaos erupts as Falzon crashes his ship in New York City while being pursued by Shatterstar. When the Inhumans determine that Falzon is trying to save them from caputure, they begin their attack on the belligerent Shatterstar. Unfortunately they soon fall to the power of the Kree warrior. Shatterstar stands posed to execute Falzon for his treachery. NOTE: Includes Marvel Value Stamp Series B #36 (The Amazing Spider-Man). NOTE: Letters page contains letters from future comic book contributors Ralph Macchio and Peter B. Gills."

First Appearance of Falzon
First Appearance of Phae-Dor
First Appearance of Shatterstar