✨Our Lucky Girl gift set is perfect when creating rituals for manifestation and positive energy to attract in abundance of all forms and energetically clear blocks to manifestation.


1x LUCKY GIRL Magical herbal bath soak 300g

1x LUCKY GIRL Herbal Ritual oil 50ml

🌛 LUCKY GIRL Magical Herbal Bath Soak

Our magical herbal bath soaks are formulated with carefully selected magical herbs to enhance the intention of your chosen soak. With a mineral rich blend of Epsom and pink Himalayan salt to aid in relaxation, easing tension and energy cleansing. All combined together with intentional essential oils blends to boost your magical bath ritual!


Alfalfa, Allspice , Bladderwrack, Raspberry leaf, Bay leaf , Peony , Calendula


Lemongrass, Bergamot, Sweet orange

🌾 LUCKY GIRL Herbal Ritual Oil

Our ritual & spell oils are created to be used for personal rituals, spell work, spell jars and candle magic. They may also be used to anoint on the hands, wrists, neck, behind ears, bottoms of feet or added to your bath. Place on appropriate chakra points during meditation. Remember to set your intentions before use. Intention is everything!


Echinacea, Allspice, Alfalfa, Strawberry leaf, Peony

OILS: Lemongrass, Bergamot, Sweet orange

All packaged in a recyclable cardboard gift box.

External use only. The oils are safe to be used on skin , but a patch test is always recommended when using a new product. If pregnant or breastfeeding please check with your doctor before using. These oils are not intended to treat or cure any medical diseases or issues.

Please allow up to 3 working days production.