DESCRIPTION :  The name Sennelier is synonymous with the finest pastels available in the world. This collection of colours are perfect for blending techniques. Pastel artists can create luminous yet subtle highlights without overusing white. Sennelier pastels have been coveted by artists since the turn of the century because of the purity of their pigments. This is due to the minimal use of an exclusive water-soluble natural binder. Unlike other pastels, Sennelier pastels are pure pigment and do not contain clay, which dulls a pigment’s colour. The colours are all safely contained in a sturdy foam packed box. Colours contained :

Van Dyck Brown - 434
Bistre - 57
Vermilion Brown - 75
Burnt Sienna - 456
Carmine Brown - 45
Helios Red - 680
Ruby Red - 670
Madder Carmine - 378
Magenta Violet - 947
Cobalt Violet - 361
Ultramarine Deep - 388
Indigo - 133
Intense White - 527
Ivory Black - 513
Grey - 521
Reseda Grey Green - 210
Olive Green - 237
Forest Green - 910
Turquoise Blue - 730
Baryte Green - 761
Lemon Yellow - 600
Naples Yellow - 102
Cad Yellow Light - 297
Cad Yellow Orange - 196