ERB-dom was the supreme Edgar Rice Burroughs fanzine of the 1960s and 1970s. It attracted top notch talent and many issues featured art by such professional artists as Reed Crandal1, Al Williamson, Jeff Jones and others. It explored the stories of Edgar Rice Burroughs with depth, seriousness and enthusiasm. It often covered the work of the many artists who drew the Tarzan newspaper strips and comics as well as the history of the books themselves.

ERB-dom #85 (1976) Excellent condition. 8 x 11, 36 pages (plus ad insert). 

Articles and artwork related to the world of Edgar Rice Burroughs in books, pulps, comics, etc. Includes 8 pages of the then current Russ Manning Tarzan Sunday pages in full color. Front cover by Burne Hogarth. Part 6 of the article "The Vaults of Opar." 4 pages of the Russ Manning Tarzan daily strip from the Pellucidar story. Back cover by Russ Manning and more.
Buyer pays for priority mail or media mail. Outside the US will be $17.00 for Priority Mail international ($8.00 to Canada).