Kanawha Glass Company Catalogs, 1966-1986. This DVD is an unparalleled resource for collectors of glassware manufactured by the Kanawha Glass Company. It contains scanned images of 11 full catalogs and 1 price list -- a total of 230 pages of information on one DVD. Among the many patterns and hundreds of items pictured are pieces in crackle, cased glass, Hobnail, Moon and Star, and much more. Included on this DVD are:

1966 catalog

1968 catalog

1970 catalog, price list & order form

1971 catalog

1973 catalog

1974 catalog

1976 catalog

1978 catalog

1978 catalog supplement

1980-1981 catalog

1987 catalog

Available on DVD only. This DVD contains 320 pages in PDF format and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader

For overseas shipping costs, please contact the seller.

This DVD is a part of a much larger project to place glass information not in archival storage boxes but in the hands of students, collectors, and dealers in glass. Only by sharing can we make the necessary leaps in learning, as we all bring some piece of the puzzle. The West Virginia Museum of American Glass (WVMAG), a non-profit organization, is committed to sharing glass information and from that conviction this Monograph Series was born.

The WVMAG catalog reprints and monographs address glass topics that yet lack the wide interest to make publishing a book commercially successful or that we do not yet know enough to commit to the more permanent form of a book. They are endeavors in seed planting by providing information on topics that may not have been previously readily available that other researchers can draw upon in formulating their own work.

If you are a member of WVMAG (at the $35.00 or above level), you will receive a $4.00 refund  from the price of this CD after payment has been made. The refund will be deposited in your PayPal account. (Discount applies only to the first copy of each title; subsequent copies of the same title must be purchased at regular price.) If you are not already a member, please consider joining today by adding Membership to your order, available on the home page of our store. Membership benefits include a subscription to our acclaimed quarterly magazine, All About Glass.

About the West Virginia Museum of American Glass, Ltd. (WVMAG)

The West Virginia Museum of American Glass, Ltd. is a non-profit museum with a mission to share the diverse and rich heritage of glass as a product and historical object as well as telling of the lives of glass workers, their families and communities, and of the tools and machines they used in glass houses.

WVMAG, Ltd. is located in Weston, West Virginia. The Museum includes representative samples of all glass products...from bottles to lightening rod balls,  from telegraph insulators to glass used in automobiles, from pressed to blown tableware.  We preserve the history of the places and people who made these products. 

Our Museum examines the rich history of some of America's most famous glass factories,  while at the same time carefully understanding the impact that the hundreds of smaller and often time forgotten glass houses made on the history of the glass industry.

The WVMAG displays many of the diverse and beautiful objects produced by factories during the past century.  The museum attempts to compare and contrast similar pieces produced by once competing companies.  No other public collection offers such contrasts on a large scale.