The Musical Clock: Musical & Automaton Clocks & Watches

The Musical Clock: Musical & Automaton Clocks & Watches by the leading authority on mechanical music of all kinds, Arthur W.J.G. Ord Hume, is the first work to detail the history of the musical clock, not only in Britain and Continental Europe but also in the USA.

It deals with the various types of musical, clocks, their styles and mechanisms, describing how they differ from chiming clocks, as well as discussing the tunes played and the composers who wrote music specially for them. Automaton clocks, which are often associated with musical work, are also included, as are those masterpieces of miniaturization, musical and automaton watches.

There is an extensive list of clockmakers worldwide who are known to have made musical clocks,m and in many instances far more biographical information is given than has appeared in print before.

New research into the development of musical clocks and their makers is presented, as well as much information relating to the use of music in clocks. It s both the definitive book and the first o the subject.

This book is extensively illustrated with numerous diagrams and many photographs, both in color and black and white. Many of these are of important clocks which have never been illustrated before.


Chiming Clocks and Their Chimes
Musical Clocks Classification
Carillon Playing Clocks
Organ Playing Clocks
String Playing Clocks
Comb Playing Clocks
Compound Musical Clocks
Automaton Clocks
Musical and Automaton Clocks
Musical Clocks and their Tunes
Mechano Musical Considerations
Index of Makers
Bibliography and Discography

ISBN 0952327007
Format Hardcover
Author Arthur W J G Ord-Hume
Publisher Mayfield Books, 1995
Pages 352
Price Guide No
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