Morita chili peppers are a smoked jalapeño, much like a chipotle but smaller and fierier. The Morita is red, as are chipotles. And if you're wondering why they are red when jalapeños peppers are commonly green, it's because if a jalapeño pepper is left on the vine long enough it will eventually turn red, much like tomatoes start out green and then turn red.

Morita chili is also sometimes called "Chipotle Colorado," "Mora Chile," and "Black Dash red chile." And they have a flavor that is full and fruity, with tobacco and chocolate tones. 

You can also rehydrate them by soaking them in water, or toast them on a dry cast-iron skillet to make one of the hottest salsas. Just remember to proceed with caution when eating this; it lights up your mouth upon entry, but you'll soon see that after the initial spark it swiftly cools down to a slow simmer. 

Dried and crushed Morita chillis are ideal for use in soups, stews, beans, chilis, or other recipes that simmer a long while on a low heat. 

Just a little sprinkle of Morita Chile brings a kick to vegetables, meats, and sauces. The fruity undertones of Moritas are delicious with tomato or pork dishes. Add to chili, sauces, and moles.

México es centro de origen, domesticación y diversificación de la variedad Capsicum annuum, plantas compuestas por un tallo leñoso, tipo arbusto. Las flores casi siempre son blancas y a veces verdosas. El fruto varía de tamaño, color y sabor, dependiendo del tipo de suelo, clima, etcétera. 

El chile jalapeño pertenece a esta especie. De acuerdo con la región, lo llaman chile cuaresmeño, tornachile, acorchado, rayado, tres lomos, candelaria, espinalteco o pinalteco, gordo, guachinango y jarocho. 

El chile morita es una variedad del chile jalapeño secado y ahumado. En algunas comunidades, estos procesos (desde tiempos prehispánicos) se llevan a cabo por separado y artesanalmente, pero la mayor producción la desarrollan hornos industriales que secan y ahúman en la misma operación. De una u otra manera, el chile chipotle posee un color oscuro de apariencia arrugada, altamente picante. 

WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.