We have using and selling these on Ebay for many years, it's tried and proven by ourselves by our returning customers.

We make no false claims about other sellers who are trying to boost sales, we just let the lures speak for themselves our lures are always fresh and uniquely blended so If you want the best chance at bagging a swarms watch our videos and make your own mind up, We are happy to help be it by phone or message.

Our swarm lures are Individually to sealed in easy to use strips to keep them fresh for use, they are manufactured to order or no more than 2 weeks ahead of sale, This is because we was to you have best chance at bagging a swarm this year, tried and tested and used world wide and can bring in bees from many miles away.

Please note this listing is for 3 x 1.5ml Lures or you can buy our pack of
10 Swarm Lures

day the lure was put in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz7kqwvNi8Q

Swarms arriving https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ECgRGe_Q4o

So If your serious about catching swarms this year that could save you up to £200 per swarm (£200 based on a 6 frame nuc price for 2013)

Mixed using an all natural formula these swarm lures contain chemical compounds contained within the bees nasonov gland.

You are buying on a pack of 3 Honey Bee swarm lures that are ready to use, so get ready as swarm season runs from April to August in the U.K.
you could get some off cuts of wood (I use plywood) and put together a swarm box ready for this years season. I put mine out from March.
A box of from 20 litres to 40 litres in capacity is best or if you have an empty brood box from a national hive even better.
I pin my lures in place inside with a few pin holes in the lid and rub some on the inside of the box then close to the entrance to around 1 to 1.5 inches and check it weekly, If you can put some wax bee's wax in the swarm trap even better old comb works best.

With a 6 frame Nuc's of bees now costing around £200 and 3 lures each potentially catching a swarm that's six hundred pounds worth of bees! and I've seen these lures retail for as much as £6 + p&p a lure and this is for 10 tubes costing less than £1 each and each containing around 1.5ml.

In the 2012 season I first try'd these lures and had huge success just using them in my back garden. even had bees trying to get into my stacked supers as I'd rubbed the lure on those too.

This lure should be stored in an air tight container and only opened when it is ready to be used. Do not stand around with it open as it may attract the bees to you and that's not where we want them.

Warning: do not rub on polyhives as it may melt them instead rub lure in the top bars of the frames.