This posting is no joke, I am absolutely willing to either trade this item for 5grams of gold, or to sell this item for the asking price in dollars, which I will then go buy the gold with

For sale is a single $100 federal reserve / fiat - ponzi paper note.

- Purchase with confidence! This pretend paper currency is backed by nothing more that the full faith and credit of the federal reserves perpetual printing machines, and you can feel secure in knowing that, due to erosion of purchasing power and inflation, it will absolutely buy less goods and services next year than it will in the current year! (As evidenced in the price of meat, eggs and rent!)

- The history of this pretend money is steeped in rich myth, somehow still able to convince people that it is a store of transferable value or wealth, when, amazingly, the fact that its actually lost 97% of purchasing power since its inception, from when they first began printing them, goes completely unnoticed!

- Be secure with your purchase, in knowing that if the tax man does not rob you of all your pretend paper money, inflation certainly will!

- Be secure in the fact that the printed paper money economy is so unstable, that the federal reserve has had to expand its balance sheets five-fold since the onset of the recession (from 850billion to 4.4trillion) and required artificial suppression of the interest rates to near-zero for the past 8 years