Botanical Name: Cymbopogon nardus

Description: Citronella Oil is extracted from a resilient grass (Cymbopogon nardus) native to Sri Lanka and Java. It is a very aromatic perennial that grows approximately 1 meter (3 feet) in height.

Color: Pale yellow to yellowish brown liquid.

Common Uses: Citronella Ceylon Essential Oil is credited with having therapeutic properties as an antiseptic, deodorant, insecticide, parasitic, tonic and as a stimulant. Nonetheless, most people will associate it with its insecticide properties. Many commercial repellents contain Citronella Ceylon, and it is often used in combination with Cedarwood to produce a pleasant smelling natural insect repellent. It will also be seen in soaps and candles, and it has common applications in massage. This oil can also help with minor infection, but is more commonly known for its ability to assist in combating colds and flu. Citronella can also be used for excessive perspiration and for conditioning oily skin and hair.

Blends well with: Citronella Ceylon blends well with most oils, but specifically well with Bergamot, Bitter Orange, Cedarwood, Geranium, Lemon, Orange, Lavender and Pine.

Aromatic Scent: Citronella Ceylon Oil has a well rounded lemon citrus scent, though it is much softer than actual Lemon. It also has subtle wood tones.

History: Citronella Ceylon Essential Oil was one of the world's dominant insect repellents before the introduction of DDT. Recent history has indicated that Citronella is once again becoming the product of choice for health conscious customers.

Cautions: Citronella may irritate sensitive skin. Avoid use during pregnancy.

2 fl. oz  (60 ml) of pure Essential Oil. All of our oils are 100% PURE and have not been cut or diluted. At the Essential Trading Post we stock a large selection of oils. At Essential Trading Post all our Essential oils are packaged in  glass Amber Bottles with Polycone Reducer caps and fully Labeled. Our oil line has multi uses from simply scenting your home to making a vast line of products. The theme at Essential Trading Post is "Scenting the World With Oil". Below we have included a general use section to aid the novice user. We are sure that you will create your own uses as you discover the wonders of scent. Very little of our oil is needed to create a long and lasting essence!

General Oil Uses:

General Household Freshening - Add a few drops of oil to your trash can, laundry wash, Dryer sheet, drain, vacuum bag filter, or on a tissue for placement in your drawers.

Diffusing - the oil in a Diffuser scents your home or office with wonderful uplifting smell. The most common Diffuser on the market in the Tea Lite Oil burner.

Bath - Add a few drops of oil to your running bath water and mix well before getting into the tub. Enjoy a wonderful scented bath soak!

Massage - Create your own Massage oil scent simply add a few drops oil to 1 ounce carrier oil such as Grapeseed oil and massage onto yourself or partner. Keep away from eyes and genital areas.

Product Scenting - Create your own scented products by adding oils to un-scented base products like; Hair Shampoo & Conditioners Base, Hand Soap Base, Body Lotion Base, Room Spray Base, Moisturizing Body Gel Base, Reed Diffuser Base, Melt & Pour or Cold Press Soap making,


Safety Tips:

Keep out of reach of children and pets.
Keep oils away from eyes and mucous membranes.
Always dilute essential oils with carrier oils before applying them directly to your skin.
Stop using oil immediately if redness, burning, itching or irritation occurs. A test area such as the inside of your elbow can be used to determine if you are allergic to the oil. Simply apply a small amount of the diluted oil and wait 12 hours to determine if irritation has occurred.
Please be aware that all oils are not suitable for all uses. If you have certain underlying medical conditions it would be wise to research the oil you are considering using. Aromatherapy should not be used as a substitution for sound medical advice obtained from your physician.

Please feel free to email us with questions about our products!

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