Dual True Bypass Looper

Sometimes, there’s just not enough rope in a single true bypass looper to get what you want done. Perhaps you’ve got two separate banks of pedals: sometimes you want to use one, sometimes the other, sometimes both, and sometimes neither. Perhaps you’re absolutely fanatical about keeping your vintage pedals where they belong: giving you awesome tones when you’re using them, and keeping them out of the signal chain entirely when not in use to prevent tone suck. Either way, the Gallows Dual True Bypass Looper is for you.

With the same build quality, style and affordability as the Noose True Bypass Looper, the Gallows gives you two independent true bypass loops in a single box.

Why Use a Dual True Bypass Looper?

Some pedals are incredibly cool when engaged, but can actually degrade your tone when they’re in the chain but not being used. It’s called tone suck, and it can be an absolute nightmare for people who love the old-school, analogue majesty of vintage pedals – wahs and distortion / boost units especially. You’ll find that, when disengaged but kept in your signal path, some pedals take away the low end and general oomph of your tone. The way to solve that is to use a true bypass looper – a pedal which switches your pedal into the signal when needed, but completely removes it from your signal chain when not.

Hard Click of Soft Touch - Which is Better?

We offer the Gallows Dual True Bypass Looper with both traditional hard click footswitches, and soft-touch relay switching. What's the difference? The main difference is that the soft-touch relay switching uses a tiny mechanical switch inside to do the actual switching, which is activated by a soft-touch, non-clicking switch. It's completely silent and brilliantly handy. These relays require power to work. The old-school hard click footswitches use the footswitch itself to do the switching - great if you don't know whether you'll have a spare power outlet, and still full true bypass!

True bypass loopers are incredibly handy, and a lot of guitarists swear by them – not only because they can drastically clean up your signal, but also because if there’s a couple of pedals you want to use at the same time, putting them all into a true bypass loop also saves a lot of tap-dancing. One switch to rule them all!