Materials: Rhodonite Gemstones, Clear Quartz Point and Metal Shavings and Coils

Pyramid Size: 70-75MM 


The word Orgone means life force or life energy. It is also sometimes referred to as Ch’i, Prana, Aether, Universal Energy or Vital Energy. This life force can be positive (healthy lifeforce) , neutral or negative (radiation, EMF, Pollution and Negative Emotions). Negative life force is said to lead to disease and illness. Orgonites are a powerful healing tool that are said to protect against negative energy, negative emotions, radiation, environmental pollution and EMF. They interact with the life force and transmute negative energy into positive. Organites are a mixture of resin, metals, and crystals that are hardened into various shapes. They form energy generators that are powerful tools for transforming negative energy, charging the environment with positive energy and protecting from EMF and radiation. The crystals contained within the orgonite increase and focus it’s energy and are polarized electrically, enhancing their power. Organites are often used for combatting EMF pollution and cell phone tower radiation as well as clearing negative energies in homes as well as for spiritual and healing work. Organites are great for homes, workplaces or on a person within their energy field. They are also said to remove negative entities from the home. They promote health, well being, peace, happiness and joy.


Rhodonite brings emotional healing and releases energy blocked in the heart chakra. It is calming and balancing to the emotions. Rhodonite vibrates a very strong heart and love energy. It can assist in acceptance, forgiveness, unconditional love and bringing peace to relationships. It helps you discover your talents and where your destiny lies. Rhodonite aids self esteem and self confidence, and is powerful in traumatic times. It is also used as a remedy for panic and rough times when it is hard to cope. Use rhodonite to feel calmer, more stable and less panicked. It aids in feeling less bitter and forgiving. It attracts love and grounds negative energies. Physically, Rhodonite supports the immune and endocrine systems and aids in balancing hormones. It also aids in detoxification and healing of the organs. 


Since ancient civilizations, pyramids have been a source of focused energy and power. Pyramids amplify and then tightly focus energy through the apex. A crystal pyramid is a powerful tool that can be used to draw off negative energy and blockage from the environment and to infuse positive energy. A gemstone pyramid is also used to enhance and focus the properties of the stone it is made of. Pyramids attract energy, transform it and release it into their environment. Pyramids can be used to channel, cleanse, and direct energies throughout your home or sacred space. Anywhere where there is a pyramid, energy won't become stagnant. Crystal pyramids are also very powerful center stones for crystal grids.


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