This is new music notation using colours to make learning simple.  Now you can read every note on the keyboard in minutes and play a tune with both hands in an hour. Have instant fun before having to learn to read normal music. 

You will receive

32 page colour starter book 24 world songs

Easy Instructions 

Coloured stickers for your black keys

Long Keyboard Guide portable, instead of stickers

Free online

3,000 piano tunes to print and play

PianoTabs Software arrange, listen, write, print, re-size, internet import

     Lessons and Games

Contents:  Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star   -   Baa Baa Black Sheep   -   Happy Birthday   -   London Bridge is Falling Down   -   Mary had a Little Lamb   -   Row, Row, Row Your Boat   -   Frere Jaques   -   Jingle Bells   -   Alouette   -   Away in a Manger   -   Amazing Grace   -   For He's a Jolly Good Fellow   -   Chopsticks   -   Rule Britannia   -   When the Saints Go Marching In   -   Rock-a-bye Baby   -   Auld Lang Syne   -   William Tell Overture   -   Toreador's March   -   Ode to Joy   -   Here Comes the Bride   -   Wedding March   -   The Entertainer   -   Fur Elise.

See the excellent feedback

by crunch_0  Genuinely amazed

I should start off by saying I'm a 31 year old man and have never played piano or keyboard before.  As a mature learner, this system looked promising and simple enough for me to follow. 

On my first day I can now play 'Happy Birthday' from memory using both hands!  It's a simple song, of course, but it sounds great and I've had nothing to teach me except this book. 

The pack comes with a music book which includes 24 songs and a few pages on how the system works, and stickers for you to place onto your black keys.  It also contains instructions on how to use the stickers on keyboards with a number of different keys, so most keyboards should be catered for right off the bat.  My Yamaha has 61 keys so I followed the respective diagram and ten minutes later I was ready to learn.  The system is (relatively) simple. 

The notes in the book reflect the now coloured keys on your keyboard.  If a note falls on a line, push that coloured key, if it falls in the white space above or below that line, push the white key instead.  It's that simple!  You still need to take a bit of time to read the music and understand which key you should be pressing, but the more you do so, the easier it becomes.  There are two lines of music for each song.  The top line is played with your right hand and the bottom line is played with your left hand.  I understand this is the case for all sheet music, so I think it'll make transitioning to traditional sheet music easier in future. 

What I find interesting is how quickly the music began to sink into my memory.  On day one, I can now play Happy Birthday without the book and using both hands.  I'm now looking forward to learning the rest of the songs in this book including the more complex ones. 

For the price of this book, I couldn't possibly recommend it any more highly.  Verified purchase: Yes Condition: New Sold by: pianotab | Top favourable review

“You are a music product I have found. It does work. Thanks a lot” tioljasa (45*)

“Great idea! Maybe music will be taught this way in the future.” trebor5575 (46*)

“Simplifies the mystery of piano playing, recommended” choc713 (75*)

“Great stuff, really easy to follow, my 8yr old was playing within 10 mins” miss-jet (20*)

“Tried my nieces, then ordered my own, Brilliant, Foolproof, Genius. Thank you.” farley077 (2*)

“So easy we had three of us fighting to get our hands on the keyboard, excellent” turningjohn (60*)

“It’s true, works great, now playing the piano better than I have ever done0600pea (91*)


“AMAZING METHOD OF FAST LEARNING- A must for all- try it & see works A++++" aidy190 (343*)

“Silent piano for 40 years, my wife is now playing "Away in a Manger" Thanks” sellyourstuff4$$ (68*) (US listing)

“Amazing! never played B4, in 1 hour my 7 yr old and I are playing simple tunes***” andy_billi06 (68*)

“Fantastic! myself daughter and hubby all playing in under an hour! U Genius man” jkparker.2007 (2*)

“Excellent, 9yr old playing in under an hour. Thanks aren't enough. It's Brilliant” s17sharp (388*)

Fantastic at 46 I can now READ music! Incredible. Lot’s of practice now I’m hooked” kimbeverley ( 182*)

“Unbelievable 10 mins & I was able to play and read the music, now teach 8 year old” 25jungle (9*)

“Amazing Product, 1hr bit optimistic but that’s just me, was playing in 2hrs WOW!” dionnejt12345 (11*)

“As a piano teacher I am very impressed” grahamc7459 (*)

“Brilliant idea. A genius, Can't stop playing. So easy-played ‘til 2am on day arrived” oddzanendz ( 866*)

“I have just been able to play a piano for the first time in 45 years FAB Gt” lairdofkincavel (191*)

“Thanks, after years struggling to read music, light at the end of the tunnel” eunicycle  (142*)

“Fantastic product! Playing 3 songs within 1 hour” nomdp73 (20*)

Some feedback fun: -


 “This really works! I'm just having a hard time getting my left hand to join in!” >Russell, I have the same problem

“Bought this for me (25) lol and its GREAT 10 mins I played twinkle star pmsl FAB” >Russell, what is PSML ?

PianoTabs  is visual. You don’t learn the notes or their names. There are no sharps or flats to confuse


PianoTabs  is like Guitar tabs but for the keyboard and not just for beginners, all grades of music are possible. Transition to standard music notation is easy for those who are interested.


Be a winner and have your kids world of music opened up


Good luck,


more :

I did leave feedback but there was not enough space to state what I wanted to. I have always loved music, but have never been able to sing or play an instrument. The Christmas before last my partner bought me a keyboard and it had been sitting gathering dust until I discovered Piano Tabs. I was amazed - for the first time in my life, at 46 years old I could actually read music! You 

have no idea how satisfying it was to "play" a recognisable tune! It is an
absolutely fantastic system - lots of practice now, and this certainly
makes it more pleasurable. Thank you so very, very much
Sharon Hardwick –kimbeverley

Hi Russell
I am really enjoying playing the piano this way. I started learning 50 years ago and had an older sister who was much better than me so gave it up. As you can imagine that put me off. Now this is pure joy and just for me.
I have downloaded some more from your website but what I mustn’t do now is go forward to more difficult  tunes until I am fairly proficient. Having said that I do hope to play like Hugo, and then I would be entirely happy. I have  downloaded Blue Danube as Strauss was one of my favourites when my sister was playing - also Tales from the Vienna Woods. I didn't get that good to play it myself!
I wish you the best of luck with it.
Regards, Marian –oddzanendz


I purchased the beginners book for Piano Tabs and as a teacher
I am very impressed and are keen to try out this system on children. I am
interested to know if there are further tutor/music/song books available.
If so, details please. I appreciate that plenty of music can be downloaded.
Regards, Graham Cousins -grahamc7459


Got it yesterday and my wife was up all night going through your book, I awoke to hear music on the piano that we have had for 40 years (first time ever). I just wanted to say thank you and I have left positive feedback and 5 star rating. My wife is already talking about getting your other books once she masters this one. Thank you again, Dennis. -sellyourstuff4$$


“One of the best things I've found about Piano Tabs is that I've been able to learn a few classical pieces that had previously seemed far too advanced for what I had perceived my skill level too be. It is ideal for beginners but can also bring out the best in intermediate level and self taught players" David Reade, Chelmsford


James Catterall, Professor of Music Education, University California LA:

“Two years of piano can increase children’s academic levels up to two letter grades, math scores up to 40%, and social skills up to two grades level”

In 2013 I helped set up an after school piano club in Whittington Community Centre, London. There were 6 workstations each connected to a laptop with music and teaching software. One piano teacher can help and monitor 6 or more students in turn through headphones. The charges were £10 hr. It was intended to roll this concept out as a franchise as a way of introducing keyboard lessons at an affordable price and allowing everyone access to an easy way to leaning music.  It also allows the teacher to scale up his knowledge sharing and thus enable him/her to increase their earnings. However I did not find enough teachers who were willing to teach this unconventional system. Here is a testimonial received only 3 weeks after opening:

One of the dads at the school gates came bounding up to me this morning to tell how much his little girl (4 year old) is loving the Piano Fun Club. He said she's still fingering Mary had a Little Lamb in the air when he's trying to get her to go to sleep at night!

She's been going since the beginning and stays focused for the whole hour (pretty good for a 4 year old).

Interestingly, her mum is keen to have a go too as she (like many adults) has always wanted to play piano.

I think there is a potentially big market for adult learners and improvers.

I know the parents and I think they'd be an excellent candidate for being one of the first "home beta testers".  Richard Land


The Important Elements of PianoTabs 

1.      Have fun first. Choose your favourite songs and make music before you learn the theory

2.      The music font size is kept large so you can read it easily

3.      A note on a coloured line (through it) is always a black note. A note in a space between lines is  always a white note

4.      The lines are printed in the same pattern of two’s and three’s as the black keys. Visualise the coloured lines in their 2 and 3 groupings. See the lines as the black keys

5.      Play the notes shown like reading letters across the page. When notes are in line vertically play them at the same moment in time

6.      Where the stems of the notes go down play them with your left hand and when they go up use your right hand. Right hand usually plays the red, green and purple notes; left hand usually plays blue, and orange notes

7.      The number above or below the note is the finger used. Your thumb on both hands is 1 and the little finger is 5. All fingering is optional and  numbers are a suggestion only, use whichever fingers you find more comfortable

8.      Faded notes (tied notes) are held down and not played twice

9.      Practice each hand part separately when perfect play both hands together


When you speak to adults who gave up on piano lessons they often say they couldn't read music because they are slightly dyslexic. However the same people can read PianoTabs music easily, therefore it cannot be dyslexia that was the cause. The fault must lie with the inherent difficulty of reading traditional notation.


Thank you for your interest

