New Stock

100% Single Origin From Malabar Coast To Your Cup

Hand Roasted To Order

 With Free Grinding To Your Brewing Requirements

for lasting freshness our new 250g & 500g craft bags are now resealable

The Details

Attributes: Rich, syrupy body and extremely low acidity

Dominant Cup Characteristic: Sweet, funky, twisty and unique--very hard to describe

Environmental Factors: Little or no chemicals used to grow and process this coffee

Flavour Traits: Baker's chocolate, pepper, spices, dark molasses

Growing Conditions: Shade grown, hand picked sun dried

Processing:  Monsooned

Recommendation: This is for people who enjoy rich coffee with very little "bite" and a long, lingering complex finish. The flavor can be changed substantially depending on how dark you roast it.  People who like this coffee REALLY like it.  Others find the funky complexity a bit much.  Still, it is such a unique coffee that we encourage you to be as bold as the coffee and give it a try!

In the cup, Monsooned Malabar is low in acid, high in body, and has a mellow, pleasant, earthy flavor. This is the lowest-acid coffee in the world. It sells well as a varietal, but is also an excellent blender, helping mute the acidity of certain African and Central American coffees without compromising the fruitiness of those beans.  

This is the most unusual coffee we carry.  It takes 12 to 16 months to process because after the fruit is removed, it is stored in warehouses until the monsoon season, and then the sides of the warehouse are opened up to allow the monsoon winds to circulate around the coffee while it is being constantly raked and turned by hand.  This process swells the beans, and gives  them a very pale color.  It also fattens body and reduces acidity, giving a mellow, aggressive, almost musty flavor.  The body is simply huge.

Why this strange processing?  It was initially an idea to mimic the affect that long sea voyages in leaky, hot, humid wooden sailing ships had on coffee.  Sort of trying to duplicate the old style coffee that used to come from Java to Europe in the days of sail.

We see it described as "funky" a lot, and we'd be hard pressed to disagree.   It makes an excellent addition to espresso blends and a pretty twisty single origin espresso.  It comes from the same region as some of the world's finer black pepper corns.  Some of that spiciness seems to find it's way into the coffee as well.  It has exceptional body, and will add base notes to any blend.  Try adding about 10% Monsooned Malabar.  It has more body and probably less acidity than any other coffee we offer.  It is sweet, musty, funky, and very complex.  OK, it's a strange description for an unusual coffee.  But, hey, take a walk on the wild side!  If you've not tasted a Monsooned Malabar before, you really should.

This Speciality Coffee is Farm Direct from Inter American Specialty Green Coffee Importers

We thank you for supporting Lalico Coffees and look forward to building a professional relationship with our returning customers and introducing new coffees with free samples to wow you with the vast variety of aromas and flavours. We guarantee you will enjoy our coffees. Contact us today!