I buy a lot of coffee, 400-500 pounds a week, every week.  I cannot buy some of the coffee sold by other sellers on EBay.  I cannot sell Certified Organic Sumatra for $26.50 (5 pounds) and make a profit, I would lose money.  The same with Colombia Organic.  I would lose money selling it for selling 5 pounds for 23.50.   I do not believe they are CERTIFIED ORGANIC and/or the “CURRENT CROP” as in 2016 crop.  

You are buying a choice of 5 different weights of green (un-roasted) coffee beans.

Note:  The 15 pounds is now 14 pounds.  The price has been changed to reflect that you are paying for 14 pounds.  EBay does not allow me to change the weights on the auction.  Please email any questions about this.

Colombia Popayan Excelso


One of our most requested coffees, Colombia Excelso Popayán grows in the acclaimed Cauca (market name Popayán) region. Balanced and medium-bodied with expressions of lush fruit, this specialty-grade Colombian is classified Excelso for its bean size. A coffee with character and hearty aroma, the Popayán exemplifies the classic American cup. We take it to a medium roast to tease out complexity and nuance that, at a darker roast, would become more thinly dimensioned. The Popayán takes on a darker quality as it cools. A shining example of the best from Colombia.  


 Growing Region: Cauca

Elevation: 5,500 feet

Varietal: Caturra, Typica,  Bourbon

Process: washed

Growing Altitude: 1200 – 2000 m.a.s.l

Arabica Variety: Caturra, Typica, Bourbon

Harvest Period: September – December

Aroma: Clean

Flavor: Citrus

Body: Round

Acidity: Bright 

Crop Year: 2016

Arrived: May 20, 2017 



Origin Notes

Colombian Coffee Region



The coffee producing areas of the Cauca region of Colombia are lush with rainfall, cloud cover, and soil conditions ideal for coffee cultivation. Dense clouds form from the Pacific and release heavy rainfall over the Cauca valley that averages 80 inches yearly. A cool mountainous climate prolongs the development of the Popayán's coffee cherry which deepens the berry flavor absorbed by its seed, or coffee bean. This flavor is accentuated during the fermentation stage when the defruited bean is processed.


Third behind Brazil and Vietnam in coffee production, Colombian coffee doubtless owns the world's most familiar coffee origin due to the enormously successful promotional campaign the country mounted years ago. Coffee grows throughout Colombia at altitudes ranging from 4,000 to over 6,000 feet.


Colombia harvests the world's largest quantity of specialty-grade coffees which are typically high-grown, hand-sorted, and wet-processed (washed). It is the only South American coffee producer with both Atlantic and Pacific ports, affording the country a distinct shipping advantage. Coffee is so central to its economy that cars seeking to enter the country must first be sprayed for harmful bacteria.

Do you know what coffee you are buying?

Really, do you?  When looking at an Ebay auction , does it  tell you what you are buying other than “green coffee beans, the country “and other words like “this is the freshest available”?


And the photos?  Pictures of generic beans, not the ones you are buying.  Photos of a bag(s) but not the one your coffee comes in.


Describing it as ‘organic’, what does that mean?  Many coffees around the world are organic buy nature/default as they have been grown the same way for many generations .  They do not use  chemical fertilizer or pesticides, sometimes because they cannot afford them.   To be Certified Organic is a lengthy and costly process, which add some cost to the final product.   When I buy a Certified Organic the importer provides me with a copy of the certification for that coffee.  It is shown on my auctions.  Nobody else, that I can see, dose that.


I am not saying that those coffees are bad, just never sure of what they are selling or what you are buying.  Do your really know?