B+W 43mm MRC KR-1.5 Skylight Filter - 23190

The B+W Skylight KR-1.5 (1A) MRC Filter is a general use filter with a slight pink tint to help improve overall colour accuracy and clarity. The light pink colouration helps to reduce the overall bluish cast of daylight and is especially effective when photographing landscapes and in shade.

The Sky 1A filter is also useful as a general protective filter to leave on lenses at all times. Filters help to reduce dust and moisture from reaching your lens element and provide additional protection in case of drops or situations where scratching could occur.

The Multi-Resistant Coating (MRC) is both an anti-reflection coating as well as a protective surface. It helps to increase light transmission by reducing reflections, scattered light, and ghosting. Additionally, it offers greater protection to the filter substrate and stays cleaner for longer than uncoated filters.

B+W filters are constructed from high quality Schott glass for increased optical clarity and colour fidelity. They feature a brass filter ring for durability as well as jamming prevention.

  • Helps to improve general colour accuracy and clarity when photographing outdoors in daylight and shade.
  • Light pink tint reduces bluish cast of natural light.
  • General protection filter reduces dust, moisture, and scratches from reaching lens elements.
  • Multi-Resistant Coating offers both protection to the glass and helps to improve light transmission and image quality.
  • Constructed from high quality Schott glass for optical clarity.
  • Brass filter ring helps to prevent jamming and provides additional strength.