Artist: ?uestlove
Title: Sufro Breaks
Genre: Original drum breaks by ?uestlove/Serato Control Tone CV02.5
Configuration: Box Set (containing x7 7” singles - all different colours)

Featuring seven original breakbeats for your mixing pleasure:
Candid Yams
Collards Greens/Turnips
Smothered Snake… Rice,,, Smothered Steak!!!
Grits ‘n Gravy/Honky Corn Bread
Cracklin’ Bread
Snap Beans… Mobile Gumbo… Buttermilk,, Rutabaga

Producer, DJ, author, Grammy Award-winning drummer/frontman for The Roots, ?uestlove (Ahmir Khalib Thompson at home) is a busy man. He manages all of those activities around a punishing schedule as musical curator and house band for the entertainment institution The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon.
For Sufro Breaks, ?uestlove strips away those layers to go back to the beginning, gifting us 7 pure drum breaks. Each song is pressed across 7 beautiful 7”s in red, brown, blue, lemon-lime, lavender, gold and black with a colour-coordinated label and sleeve. All encased in a glossy black boxset imprinted with Questlove’s likeness, and his delicious track listing. These are sure to become a collectors item, so get involved and become part of history.