Use Spanish moss in Flower arranging to securely hold the stems and camouflage arranging foam.

You can use it around the roots of houseplants to hold moisture.

Spanish Moss  is an easy to grow epiphyte belonging to the bromeliaca family.  It typically will grow upon another living plant, such as a tree branch, but doesn't take nutrition from this support.  With lengthy strands of silver-grey leafy stems, Spanish Moss makes for an intriguing and long-lasting trailing plant in most frost-free temperate climates.

Tiny pale green flowers appear during the summer months, and can exude a light fragrance during the night hours.

The plant consists of a slender stem bearing alternate thin, curved or curly, heavily scaled leaves 2–6 cm  long and 1 mm broad, that grow vegetatively in chain-like fashion to form hanging structures up to 6 m in length. The plant has no aerial roots  and its flowers are tiny and inconspicuous. It propagates both by seed and vegetatively by fragments that blow on the wind and stick to tree limbs, or are carried by birds as nesting material.

Use Spanish moss in Flower arranging to securely hold the stems and camouflage arranging foam.

You can use it around the roots of houseplants to hold moisture.

It will be harvested the same day as shipped.

8 oz of moss will pretty much fill a 1 gallon zip lock bag!