Time after time Blackstone Labs has released products that make an impact on bodybuilders from across the globe. Introducing GROWTH – the first clinically proven formula to naturally increase gh production within minutes after swallowing your first pill.
Normally we would tell you to run and hide from OTC products claiming to increase natural GH production. That’s because the industry has never produced one that actually works. That was until now. At Blackstone Labs we deliver products that back up our claims and this one is no different. You want to stop calling or emailing “your guy” to get a few kits of underground GH? Now is your chance to get the same great product you had to be sneaky to acquire, but with the safety and guarantee that nothing is under dosed or requires a safe email to stay under the radar.
What does a dose of GROWTH do? The same thing as 10 iu’s per day of your favorite UGL Blue, Red, Yellow, Rip, Thank, or Elitropin.

  • Increases the synthesis of new muscle tissue and repair
  • Rapidly reduces body fat
  • Improves energy levels
  • Improves sleep patterns and makes for less unintended awakenings allowing better REM-stage sleep
  • Builds stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments
  • May improve sexual performance
  • Helps to improve the quality of hair, skin, and nails
  • Makes you look like Big Ramy…that might be a stretch