This is the North Korean Revolutionary Opera THE FLOWER GIRL.  Deeply moving and beautifully performed by the Mansudae Art Troup, THE FLOWER GIRL is one of the most famous and popular Revolutionary Operas ever produced by North Korea.

TITLE: The Flower Girl
FORMAT: DVD x 2 (from analog). Region Free. Playable In all DVD Players worldwide.
LENGTH: 176 Minutes

Summary of the North Korean description:

Revolutionary Opera THE FLOWER GIRL is set in the period from the late 1920's to the early 1930's when the national tragedy of the Korean people was at its height.

This Revolutionary Opera deals with the tearful life of Ggot Bun, daughter of a poverty-stricken farm family. Due to debt her father, and then after his death her brother, become bond servants to the cruel landlord.  When Ggot Bun's younger sister, while trying to escape a beating by the landlord's wife, is left permanently blinded by hot coals, the brother retaliates by burning down the landlord's house. After the brother is imprisoned, the mother is forced into bondage, only to die from illness and overwork leaving her daughter, Ggot Bun to take her place as a servant in the landlord's house.

By depicting the Ggot Bun, and the tragic fate of her family, this Revolutionary Opera emphasizes the ideological theme that a stateless people is no better than a neglected dog and explains the idea of Juche that people cannot save themselves from their tragic lot without throwing off the yoke of colonial slavery.

The distress and misery which fall on Ggot Bun's family are an epitome of the disaster the Korean people suffered under Japanese imperialist colonial rule. This Revolutionary Opera is a good reminder that to put an end to the execrable fate of slavery, one must do away with the exploiting system, and this aim can be attained only through the revolutionary struggle.