***Please note:
Although it pains me to do this, Due to a severe MS flare up, I will not be "restocking" this listing for the current time being. When I have this flare up at a manageable level, I will begin updating the quantity again.
THANK YOU for your continued support and for all of your messages of kindness! But thank you even more for your trust, respect, for the deep conversations, all the wonderful feedback, for sharing your updates & experiences with your readings, vessels & talismans, & for keeping me updated on how the entities are transitioning into their new home. I am truly honored & fortunate to have met all of you, such compassionate, caring people. The relationships we have formed over the past 1 1/2 years mean the world to me, and I thank you for your continued loyalty and support <3

3 Questions via EBay Messages

3 Questions via EBay Messages

Please Message me your
-3 Questions
- Your Birth date
- The Birth date of anyone else involved in your questions (or, if exact date & year are unknown, then a recent photo of them)

All Psychic Readings will be performed in the order thy are recieved

Psychic Reading results are Typically messaged to you within 1-5 business days. Please note, this window may fluctuate from time to time

If I do not receive your 3 questions within 5 business days I will send a friendly reminder

I come from a long line of Psychics, Healers, Dream Interpreters, Intuitives, Sensitives, but most of our items date from the past 5 generations, of which I manage here in this store on behalf of my whole family. We are a family of Science, Logic, The Arts, but also Magick, & all that is Paranormal & Metaphysical. We are a family of strong values & morals, & although our lifestyle may seem strange & "out there" to many, we really are quite traditional & "old school" in the way we live & treat others

My Great-Great Grandmother & Great Grandmother were Psychics, Healers & great Dream Interpreters, & received Premonitions. My Grandpa & Grandma are Sensitive & Intuitive. My Father is Psychic & a Powerful Intuitive & was a Paranormal Investigator for about 20 years until he was pushed down a flight of stairs by a hooved demonic entity, leaving him in the hospital for several months, and permanently damaging his back.

Upon entering the Physical World at Birth, it soon became clear to my family that I was the 5th generation in my family to follow the Psychic bloodline. I myself as a Spiritual Being am am Awakened Spellcaster Witch & Conjurer, a Psychic Medium, Sensitive, Intuitive, a Dream Interpreter, Energy Worker and a Paranormal Investigator. Over the past 10-15 years I have helped many clients, loyal & new, with their life path, specific matters, their Spiritual journey, & more, & I genuinely want to help you too.

I Am a Truth Seeker that Embraces who I am & I strive to Strengthen what I can do as a Spiritual Being. My Spiritual Journey is an ever evolving experience on the path to Enlightenment, Knowledge & Wisdom. I am very, very fortunate & Blessed to have my Family, the Spiritual Realm, and the Incredible Mentors I have had, to guide, teach & inspire me on my Journey & i will continue to Master the Powers within me to help Bring True Magick to this World, to help others in their Spiritual Journey, and Inspire & Awaken the Magick that lies within all of us.

As humans, it is in our very nature to be curious, and to explore the Unknown. Our species would not be here today if these natural characteristics were not embedded into us. Just as our far ancestors explored the Earth, we too can explore the Paranormal & Metaphysical with Spirit Vessels & Talismans. I invite you all to Explore the unique, powerful, energetic & sometimes strange collection We have listed in our store!

I have helped many clients, loyal & new, with their life path, specific matters, their Spiritual journey, & more, & I genuinely want to help you too.


Here is your opportunity to have a Psychic Reading done by me, asking 3 questions of your choice, for a very reasonable, affordable price, as I feel everyone should have the chance to have a Psychic Reading done, regardless of their economic income, or any phobias or anxieties being face to face with someone when such intimate secrets & information are revealed

I will answer your 3 questions with in-depth details, using my own Psychic Abilities of Mediumship, Intuition, Sensitivity, Energy Reading, & any other means, messages or visions I can see, feel, or sense. There's times I receive messages, visions, sometimes I am contacted by specific spirits, or entities, or to use specific tools, rituals, etc. I will do whatever is needed to give you the clearest, honest reading I can give, to give you deep insight into these topics of greatest importance to you.

In your reading, I will communicate what information comes to me & through me. I do not candy coat readings nor exaggerate, & will not simply just tell you whatever you want to hear to make you happy. Whatever is said in your reading will be genuine & unbiased, truthful & honest. I will be very "real" with you.

Be aware that I may receive some very personal messages, memories or tidbits, messages from loved ones that have passed, visions, intuitions, etc

However, I must emphasize that I will never share, nor will I ever judge your readings, your questions, your secrets, no matter the question nor the Reading results, nor your past, future, age, gender, social status, income, religion or lack thereof. Rember that I will never share any of this information with anyone other than you at any time, for any reason


Having a Psychic Reading done is completely safe to you, your spirit, & your soul. In no way is it "dealing with the devil" or anything even remotely close to that nature. A Psychic Reading is a process of the Expanded Cerebral Capacity of the Reader - the Reader using areas of their brain that most others do not have access to. As humans, we only have 10% Cerebral Capacity - meaning, we only have access to 10% of our brains. Those who have Psychic, Supernatural, or Superhuman Abilities, have such abilities because they have a Greater Cerebral Capacity - they are able to access a Greater percentage of their brain. Our brains are a Gift to us, we have these highly evolved brains for a reason.

In the past, those with such access were often deemed as evil, or accused of making deals with the devil, or witchcraft, but in a very different context than it is viewed today, it was seen as a very evil thing for most of the past 2,000 years. Those with a greater cerebral capacity thus were persecuted, hunted, killed - most often at the hands of decree of the Church. In part, because they believed it to be evil, but I feel also in part, because they felt threatened.

This persecution for millennia no doubt has stunted our evolution as a species. I imagine had our ancestors not been persecuted, that many more of us today would have greater cerebral capacity. But that's just my two cents.

Despite the killing off of our ancestors, there are still some today with Greater Cerebral Capacity, and it lies within us all, dormant, but we must work to awaken it.

And that is precisely what I was born with, & have improved upon to Strengthen, Grow & Control my whole life - my Psychic Abilities, my Cerebral Capacity. It is not an "evil" thing, it is simply utilizing what I have been given, to help others & do my part to change the world.


It's okay to want to know certain things in your life's path, to want insights into your past, present or future. Perhaps You may be facing challenges in a relationship, perhaps you are uncertain of your career, or are facing hardships in your day-to-day life, or you feel lost, an authentic Psychic Reading can help you explore & give you insight within your own self, your being, your past, present & future. There’s so much information about you available to your psychic during a psychic reading, if you allow them to connect. Having insight about love, relationships, career, finances, or your destiny and the life path you’re on can be invaluable

Please, do not ask mocking questions like, "Okay what did I eat for breakfast this morning?" Or"what number an I thinking of?" Because that is not what this is about. I am not a human 8 ball. I take what I do very seriously. Ehen I do a reading, I pick up the threads & ribbons of your vibration, aura, your energy field, I receive messages, visions, sometimes using tools, talismans, whatever I am called upon or guided to use, weaving a Spiritual tapestry that is your Psychic Reading.

You may or may not believe in fate or destiny, but whether you do or not, you stumbled upon this listing for a reason, this one listing out of the trillions of other pages you could be on online now at this very moment. You found this listing & that reason may be because you are on the verge of something life changing, a new chapter in your Life full of Awesome opportunities & Blessings! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask! I am always, always more than happy to assist in any way I possibly can.  

Many Blessings, 



Hello! Thank you for checking out my store, where you can buy with confidence! Zero negative feedback, zero neutral feedback, and for all my fellow Collectors of Antique Linens & Textiles, and Collectors of the Metaphysical/Paranormal, I am *very* proud to announce that I was in the top 10% of Sellers in both the Antiques Category & the Metaphysical Category for 2017! This is a Great achievement that could not have been accomplished without my Honesty and Integrity, but above all, I would not have been able to reach this milestone without you! I thank you all, each and every one of you, for your Trust, Loyalty and business, and I promise to continue offering you only the best, unique, rare, & beautiful treasures at stellar prices with Honesty & Integrity!

I believe everyone should get a chance to experience the Paranormal and Metaphysical in one way or another and I hope that you will entrust me as the one who can make this happen. These spirits & Metaphysical Talismans are very dear to me and each one has their own little story just like each one of us do. Please take your time browsing some of my collection that I am re-homing. All spirits that are listed are ACTIVE and have been tested on numerous occasions.

By now, many of you have come into contact with Spirits & Metaphysical Talismans from me and know that they are authentic! I take pride in being able to offer you a paranormal experience that many can only dream about. You WILL get activity with all of my spirit vessels that I re-home; there are absolutely no doubts whatsoever in my mind. Many of my spirits have made many disbelievers into believers! My own fiance was never a believer, when I met him he did not believe at all, as he had never had a Paranormal experience. Needless to say, he certainly believes now!

I come from a long line of Psychics, Healers, Dream Interpreters, Intuitives, Sensitives, but most of our items date from the past 5 generations, of which I manage here in this store on behalf of my whole family. We are a family of Science, Logic, The Arts, but also Magick, & all that is Paranormal & Metaphysical. We are a family of strong values & morals, & although our lifestyle may seem strange & "out there" to many, we really are quite traditional & "old school" in the way we live & treat others

My Great-Great Grandmother & Great Grandmother were Psychics, Healers & great Dream Interpreters, & received Premonitions. My Grandpa & Grandma are Sensitive & Intuitive. My Father is Psychic & a Powerful Intuitive & was a Paranormal Investigator for about 20 years until he was pushed down a flight of stairs by a hooved demonic entity, leaving him in the hospital for several months, and permanently damaging his back.

Upon entering the Physical World at Birth, it soon became clear to my family that I was the 5th generation in my family to follow the Psychic bloodline. I myself as a Spiritual Being am am Awakened Spellcaster Witch & Conjurer, a Psychic Medium, Sensitive, Intuitive, a Dream Interpreter, Energy Worker and a Paranormal Investigator. Over the past 10-15 years I have helped many clients, loyal & new, with their life path, specific matters, their Spiritual journey, & more, & I genuinely want to help you too.

I Am a Truth Seeker that Embraces who I am & I strive to Strengthen what I can do as a Spiritual Being. My Spiritual Journey is an ever evolving experience on the path to Enlightenment, Knowledge & Wisdom. I am very, very fortunate & Blessed to have my Family, the Spiritual Realm, and the Incredible Mentors I have had, to guide, teach & inspire me on my Journey & i will continue to Master the Powers within me to help Bring True Magick to this World, to help others in their Spiritual Journey, and Inspire & Awaken the Magick that lies within all of us.

As humans, it is in our very nature to be curious, and to explore the Unknown. Our species would not be here today if these natural characteristics were not embedded into us. Just as our far ancestors explored the Earth, we too can explore the Paranormal & Metaphysical with Spirit Vessels & Talismans. I invite you all to Explore the unique, powerful, energetic & sometimes strange collection We have listed in our store!

Here you will find personal Paranormal, Metaphysical & Magickal Objects, Artifacts & Talismans which my family has collected for the past 5 generations. Some have been acquired personally for our own collections, some were given to us, some have been obtained through acts of Universal Fate

There are also items listed, which have been removed from homes of clients concluding Paranormal Investigations. Any negative items we acquire are typically kept locked away in storage to protect both us & the public. Positive items are almost always in the home of their Keepers, be it my family, myself, or another whom I am Assisting

At times we offer items from Clients that have purchased from us in the past, or items from clients' referred friends or family who have reached out to us to assist in descaling their own collections & to help in Finding new Keepers or Guardians for Spiritually attached objects, Magickal Talismans & Metaphysically Enhanced treasures.

Fellow Collectors, Covens, Solitary Witches & Warlocks, Magicians and others deeply involved in the Magickal, Paranormal & Metaphysical world often reach out to us as well, to find new Keepers for their personal treasures, and to find homes for ones they have created. Many times it is an elder who does not want the responsibility falling upon their family when they pass, for concern of their family, or for concern that the objects would not be cared for & treated with the respect they deserve, or they are afraid they may end up in the wrong hands, or simply donated or thrown out

With all the time that goes into each listing, going through documentations, recordings, photos, sometimes interviews & additional research, describing the item as accurately & thoroughly as I possibly can, at any given time I usually have but a very small fraction of our Collection listed. Many items I refrain from listing until I feel & sense the time is right. So if there's anything you would like to inquire or talk about, or If you or someone you know is in need of assistance looking for a Talisman of a certain Power, a Spirit Vessel, or any other kind of Paranormal/Metaphysical item, Please, do not be shy or feel awkward messaging me for any special requests, be it regarding this Item, another I have listed, or if there is something very special or specific you are searching for! Our collection is vast & continuously Growing & Evolving, so we always have more to offer that hasn't yet been listed

My family and I have been re-homing spirits, entities & Talismans & Artifacts of Metaphysical Power for many years now. It is with great honor to offer these very special possessions to you here! We have been very lucky to have met many amazing people through rehoming our vessels & Thank you all for your Loyalty & Trust! We welcome any & all questions or concerns. Our priority is to find spirits & Talismans of Power good homes, and for you and our spirits, to have only the best experience. I believe that everyone deserves to have Positive Parnormal & Metaphysical experiences, and it is an honor to be able to unite fellow Truth Seekers & Collectors with our Active collection. And so here I now share with you a piece of Paranormal & Metaphysical History, a tangible & Mysterious marriage of Realms of the Living & the Dead; together, a junction of the Supernatural, Spiritual, Cosmic & Earthly Realms.

You may feel drawn or pulled to a spirit, entity or metaphysical talisman, and that very well may be because you are meant to. You may find yourself thinking about him/her/it, their vessel, you may keep revisiting the listing, page or place over and over, you may have dreams, daydream, you may feel a sense of energized magnetism, a feeling of giddiness, euphoria. Follow your intuition & where your instincts are guiding you! Many Blessings to you all!



If you happened upon this listing, you are like many others who have more than likely had an experience or some mysterious feeling that has made you question yourself and ponder the unknown and unseen things of life. Let me happily inform you that you are not alone! Many individuals are now being awakened and are acknowledging that there is more to life than what meets the eye.

For thousands of years humans have experienced a crossing between the Living & the Spirit Realm, the Physical & the Inter-dimensional, of hauntings of Residual & Intelligent Natures, Invocation Ceremonies & Rituals, Talismans of Power, Magickal Tools of Luck, Prosperity, Success, Divination, Prophecy, some have had the misfortune of experiencing Curses and Hexes, Demonic Entities or possession, there are Hauntings of Human Spirits, Demons & other Etities, haunted homes, buildings, areas of land & objects, making these their territories & vessels, yet we still are only beginning to slightly understand this Other side. There are no rules or laws as to what or where entities can haunt; Vessels can house any species of entity. Some are seeking out someone who believes in them. Some spirits wish simply to remain close to the earth plane, some travel back and forth between realms, some are stuck, Others are lost and need help and guidance to find their way onward. Often, some seem to have a dedicated purpose, or in some cases, several. They can teach, guide, or help & assist us. Many entities can greatly improve our everyday Lives, some can enhance our natural gifts and abilities, some protect us, some keep negative entities away, and all help to show us our world & theirs from a different perspective.

From the paranormal, to the mystic, the spiritualist, and even the skeptic, the main thing all these groups have in common is that we are all searching for something. That certain something may not always make itself obvious to us but we know it’s there. Many of you may know it as a feeling that has been with you most of your life, or a feeling that manifested during childhood, at the age of puberty, or in your adult years.... A feeling of wonder, amazement, curiosity, and desire. A desire to know the truth, to find out what is possible that modern science deems the opposite. Many spend a lifetime searching for this truth, some find it and for some, it is a quest with no end, a quest that takes many lifetimes. Some get discouraged, or too busy with daily life stresses, obligations & responsibilities & lose touch with that inner, primal thirst for Truth. It is the Purpose of this Talisman to help you, the fellow truth seeker, to give nourishment to your Psychic appetite, to find this cherished prize and Infinitely excel on the path you choose to take.

Although many never recognize it, we all have not 5 senses, but 6. Just as you use your sense of sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste everyday, you can use your 6th sense too. Many do already but never recognize that it is their 6th sense. Have you ever thought of someone then they suddenly call or message you? Have you ever had that feeling that you were not alone? Have you ever experienced Deja vu? Or, dreamed of something that ended up happening? Have you ever picked up on someone's feelings or emotions, or what they were thinking, or about to say or do? Do you ever have those "gut" feelings about something? Have you ever thought you saw "something" out of the corner of your Eye only for it to disappear when you look? Have you ever seen or felt the presence of a Spirit or Ghost?

Most of us have experienced these phenomena or similar and usually we just brush it off as a coincidence, or something "weird", when it is not - it is our own Psychic-Cerebral, 6th Sense. This is but a tiny little morsel of what your mind is capable of! You have a brain with more connections within it than There are Stars, we are the most highly evolved creatures that have ever existed on this planet, and we are at a moment in time where we are witnessing our species progress to the next stage in our cognitive, cerebral evolution! More and more are embracing our own selves, realizing our potential, more and more are not only embracing our natural Psychic Abilities that lie within us, but are actively exercising & strengthening them!

This is a major pivotal point in our journey as a human species together - and it has been a long time in the making! In the days of the past, those with a higher cerebral capacity, those with psychic abilities were often persecuted, hunted and even killed, deemed as evil or the devil by the Church, or persecuted as Witches, but back then most saw what they believed to be Witches as a bad, evil thing. Many lives were lost because of their Natural Gifts..

However, today, things are changing, there is a different air when it comes to Psychic matters. We are taking our brain & our human race to the next level!

Many are actively searching for their Purpose on this Earth, many are exploring who they are as Spiritual Beings, tuning into & Discovering their own True Selves, and Awakening!

Once we have truly Awakened & realize who we are as Spiritual Beings, who we are, what we are, and learn who we have always been, our higher senses are activated and our perceptions of life expand. We are no longer able to limit ourselves to the physical rules of separation from others and from Self. We will never again experience physical life in the same way because we cannot limit ourselves to the “boxes” of our life before.

There is SO much out there that is Unseen, yet exists! It is within us, all around us, above and below; within our Physical plane we live our our daily lives in, the multiple dimensions that exist outside of our own do overlap! At this very moment there are entire Worlds, Realms, Dimensions, Planets & Planes out there being Explored & Discovered! You too can experience all the Magick that the Universe has to Offer!

Our journey has begun! If we try to turn away from our Greater Self, we will continue to be met with discontent & primitive distractions. Fortunately, when we tap into our Inner Selves, and thus, The Universe, our creativity is greatly enhanced, we become inspired and illuminated. We must look within for our answers! The door to the outer dimensions stands ajar and all we need is the Key to Enter!

Mundane life calls to us to continue just as we have lived our lives already, but we Cannot give in. We must search inside and to find our Path; we each must continue on our Journey that fits this new resonance of Magick, Power & Wonder that we have found!

Our Journey sometimes requires Change, as not everyone nor every aspect of our lives can adapt to our own Growth & Progress. Jobs may change, friends may change, relationships may change; Eventually new jobs, friends and relationships come into our lives that happily Accept, Respect, Value, & Appreciate our greater self. There are those who remain our true Companions, those whom you Inspire & Inspire you. With our expanded Inner & Outer Awareness we find others to help us as we, in turn, help others.

We have begun our Path of our Spiritual Journey, and we will Continue until we Find our Highest Self, until we are Truly Home!



I am a Collector of Antique Textiles from all around the world, from Antique French block print cottons, toile & boutis quilts, Antique Turkey Reds, Antique & Vintage African Indigo mudcloths, Antique Japanese Boro Textiles & American Civil War era cottons. I am a Designer, Artist, Cosmetologist, Cosmetic Science Educator, Pianist, Psychic Medium, Paranormal Investigator, a Uniter, Homemaker, Baker, I have MS, & I am a Mother to my beautiful 4 year old daughter & my brilliant, sweet 6 year old Autistic son. I am a highly discerning connoisseur of the 6 senses- colors & form, sounds, textures, flavours, aromas, with extensive experiences in Psychic Intuitions, Sensitivities & phenomena

All of the items I sell are antique, ancient, or vintage & have been previously owned, unless otherwise noted. If you are looking for brand new, flawless items, then my listings may not be the right fit for you. But however, if you love the look, feel & Provenance of antique treasures that have been loved & enjoyed, then you will be thrilled with your unique, rare & often one of a kind purchase from me

I do my best to accurately describe each item through words & photographs in appearance, condition, Provenance, age & Known History, from my own observations, opinion, knowledge & experience, however, note that I am not an expert in everything & I may occasionally miss or confuse a detail. If any History or Info was given to me when I acquired the item, I will always pass their words on in the listing, however, unless stated, these details have not been verified by a professional 3rd party

Any defects not mentioned but that are visible in the photos will be considered as described. With antiques they are often time worn & may have age imperfections, which is to be expected with say a button that is 150 years old for example. So please, do not hesitate to message me, i will gladly respond & provide additional photos & any information if you'd like

Ours is a smoke free & pet free home, however, with antique & vintage, previously owned items it is possible that a previous owner's home may have been otherwise. As one who is highly allergic to smoke, cats & some dogs with short, wirey fur, & with consideration for those who have severe allergies, if I notice any signs or odors indicating any allergens of this nature, it will be noted in the listing

I typically do not clean antique items, to preserve the natural patina that only Time & Age can truly create. There may be some patina, oxidation, dirt, odor, etc due to age, storage & material. Many collectors prefer to clean their items themselves or take it to a professional who they trust, or leave them exactly as found, so I will leave that option up to the new Keeper


When you as the Buyer purchase, you agree to & understand the following:

*ALL Buyers must now have an EBay purchase history of are least 20. If you do not have this established yet, please contact me. If you do commit to buy/purchase without contacting me first, or your offer is accepted without receiving immediate payment, understand that your purchase is subject to relisting and/or cancellation without notice.
*I accept Paypal only
*Please, no eChecks
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*I recycle shipping supplies- albeit a small act, it is one thing we all can do to reduce our impact on this Earth
*You have fully & carefully read through this entire listing
*You agree to everything stated in the listing
*You have, if applicable, asked any & all questions or concerns prior to purchasing
*If there are any issues or concerns, PLEASE contact me first before leaving negative or neutral feedback
*I as the Seller am not responsible for any misunderstandings or confusion that the Buyer may have. I cannot assume what you may confuse or misunderstand, so please contact me if there is anything you are unclear about
*I do not accept returns nor cancellations due to Buyer's Remorse
*In the odd, very rare chance I do make a mistake & I somehow do not describe the Physical aspects of something accurately in words or photos, then I will of course accept a Return, however, **PLEASE you must Contact me first. If we agree on the Return I will be more than happy to Refund you right away :-)
*Just as it is my responsibility to describe each listing as accurately & thoroughly as I know how and possibly can, it is the Buyer's Responsibility to be sure they carefully read & understand the listing
*Please be absolutely sure of your purchase before committing to buy & purchasing. Ask any & all questions before purchasing, and be sure that you have a clear understanding of this listing, all of its contents, & all Store & related EBay policies, as I do not accept returns nor cancellations due to Buyer's Remorse.
*Details regarding the Physical Attributes, Origin & Age of items are the judgements of the collectors whom I originally acquired the item(s) from and/or my own honest opinion and judgement. Unless otherwise stated, these details have not been verified by an outside, professional 3d party,
*Items shipped in 1-6 business days*, depending on the item, entity or life circumstances. I typically ship late in the week.
*Special Services listings will also be completed & marked as "Shipped" in 1-6 business days
*For All International Buyers & Buyers using Ebay's Global Shipping Program: If you would like additional insurance on your item or to use another shipping option via USPS, please contact me and I will send you an invoice for the additional shipping costs. All International Buyers are responsible for any Shipping, Duty, Customs, Taxes or other fees their country may have. International Buyers are responsible for knowing their county's Customs & Import Regulations, including items Prohibited for import. Items that are prohibited to be shipped into your country (for example, Kenya prohibits Coins, jewelry, precious gems, used bedding, among other things) are considered "nonmailable" per USPS regulation 131.32 ("Articles that are prohibited by the destination country are nonmailable") . Per USPS regulation 131.33 regarding Return or Seizure of Mail "A country may return or seize mail containing articles prohibited or restricted within that country, whether or not notice of such prohibition or restriction has been provided to or published by the Postal Service". Per Ebay's User Agreement International shipping policy, "Sellers and buyers are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations applicable to the international sale, purchase, and shipment of items."


Legal disclaimer: You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase. Law states that any items or services of the Metaphysical/Psychic/Paranormal are for "entertainment purposes" & that you're purchasing this solely for its physical state. Any & all phenomenon connected with this item are that of the individual(s) referenced in the Known History. Paranormal/metaphysical experiences can vary from each person, place & time, & can be influenced by the geographical location, geological composition of surrounding land, electromagnetism of the area, past history &/or current state of metaphysical &/or spiritual events or objects, current paranormal occurences/entities, individual spiritual, emotional, psychic-cerebral, chakra, or other related blockages or imbalances

By purchasing this you agree to consent that this item(s) is now yours; You agree that purchase is subject to your own interpretation & is not intended as a substitute for professional legal, financial, psychiatric, psychological, or medical services or care. Always Seek Professional Advice In Serious Matters. You agree that any & all phenomena-paranormal/metaphysical attachments, properties, hauntings, curses, hexes, spells & enchantments to this item(s) are now solely yours. I am not & will not be held responsible in any way, shape or form for the intensity, level, or nature of activity from this item(s), nor any physical, mental, emotional, financial, spiritual, work, pet, relationship, family, or any like related harmful, negative, unwanted, undesired, unexpected events, occurrences, happenings, consequences, abuse, retaliations, injuries or death from any haunting, human spirits, non-human entities; nor any Psychic, Supernatural, Super-human, or any other Metaphysical occurences, happenings or events in any way, shape or form, as a result of purchasing this listing, or the lack thereof. The Buyer Of These Tools Takes Sole Responsibility For Their Personal Well Being And Health. We accept No liability or responsibility for any Metaphysical/Paranormal activity that may or may not occur due to the use of our products or services