Actual Game

Crime City

1-Click Install
11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP

(Impressions 1992)

My games are genuine, install in one step, look, sound and play in Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP like they did in the old days, or your money back. This is my unconditional guarantee for three years.

This auction includes the original game CD. An on-screen printable manual is also included. The game box is pictured for reference and not included.

I will also provide a compatibility CD that will allow the game to run under ALL VERSIONS of Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP, both 32 and 64 bit.

One step: Insert my CD and the game will automatically work on your computer. Done. Yes, it's that simple.

Want to play? Click the icon. Want the game off your computer? Click Uninstall. Zero hassle.

Rapid response technical support for three years is always an e-mail or phone call away.

In the extremely rare event I cannot get this title to work on your system I will take it back for a full refund. All I ask is minimal assistance from you during the troubleshooting process.

The Game

Crime City is a point-and-click adventure game from the United Kingdom in which you, as Steven White, investigate a recent murder in an effort to clear an innocent man: Your father! You will need to use your wit, a keen eye and serious investigative work to track down the real killer.

The game interface is very simple, yet effective and you will master it in no time. Everything is basically self-explanatory, which is a sure sign of good design. The graphics are static as there is no animation, but they are well-suited for the game's age. I did not encounter any music, but there are some sound effects, such as dialing the phone, busy signals, etc.

There is no inventory to manage in this game, which can be a good thing. If you pick something up, you simply use it automatically as needed. There is not easily apparent way to see what you are carrying. Discovering an item simply adds a new dialogue option to some one you need to speak with.

The game can be a bit difficult because you have a clock to contend with. Each action, such as traveling around town to investigate, takes a certain amount of time and/or money depending on your choices. You get tired from lack of sleep, which affects your health and so on. Some characters are only available for questioning at certain times of the day. In all Crime City accurately produces a living breathing, and above all, logical gameworld for you to explore.

Crime City even includes a simple "Breakout" type game on the in-game computer if you get bored investigating! Overall, Crime City is a fun adventure game that will keep you busy for a while. Playing it is certainly not a crime.

Note: My compatibility CD does not alter the retail game or bypass copy protection. It allows the original media to install and run correctly on any recent version of Windows.