Red Bourbon

Highly Certified

 RFA (Rain Forest Alliance)

  SHG (Strictly High Grown)

EP (European Preparation)

Hand  Roasted To Order With Free Grinding To Suit Your Brewing Requirements


This is one of Lalico's top 5 Favourites and highly recommend trying this one especially 
if your still searching for a great coffee you can drink any time of day 

Cupping Notes

good sweetness, chocolate notes, soft acidity, medium body, nice smokey notes

Growing Altitude

1350 + m.a.s.l.

Arabica Variety

Bourbon, Pacas, Catimor

Harvest Period

January – March

Milling Process

Washed, Sun and Mechanically dried


* RFA (Rainforest Alliance) standards that are intended to protect the environment and the rights of workers.

* SHG (Strictly High Grown) specifies that the coffee was grown at an altitude around 1350 meters. Coffee grown at a higher altitude and lower temperature produces a slower maturing fruit and a denser bean; which creates a more desirable specialty cup.

* EP (European Preparation) specifies that the raw beans are all hand sorted to remove any defective beans and foreign material.

El Salvador has come a long way as one the most efficient coffee producers in the world. By 1880 gourmet coffee had become the main export crop passing indigo. Since coffee was in such high demand, the Government introduced legislation such as tax breaks for farmers and elimination of export duties for coffee producers. This led to the development of roads and railways leading to the farms, and the integration of indigenous communities into the national economy.

This coffee type boasts a classic cup. It is specialty coffee (SHG), and it's also Rainforest Alliance certified. To be RFA certified means having standards that are intended to protect the environment and the rights of workers. This certification allows the farmers to have a sustainable farm-management system, control costs, gain efficiencies, improve crop quality, and maintain the wildlife habitat. In sum, the certification ensures consumers that the Rainforest Alliance certified coffee that they drink supports sustainable supply and  demonstrates the importance of responsible coffee sourcing.

• Hand Roasted & Heat Sealed In a One Way Valved Bag.

• New 250g & 500g bags are now resealable for lasting freshness

Roasted within 48hrs of order and posted next morning

All of our roasting is done per order and please note that every batch is individually profile roasted with care, every coffee has different characteristiwcs and therefore its indervidual profile is replicated keeping this high quality consistent.

We thank you for supporting Lalico Coffees and look forward to building a professional relationship with our returning customers and introducing new coffees with free samples on request with an order to wow you with the vast variety of aromas and flavours. We guarantee you will enjoy our coffees. Contact us today!