Book two has 4 songs in it to get you going. The method is still the same and will never change. That's the great thing about this method so the more we use it the better we do it. Just like the old pros they would do the some shows for 2 years never changing anything and that's how they got better. The middle numbers are the strings that we are playing. The T, I,M, ( thumb, index, middle ) under the numbers are the fingers we are using to play the strings and on top is the left hand. If it says S-M-2 to 3? that means slide the middle finger from the 2nd fret to the 3rd fret it's that simple. So in this book there is a lot more left hand work but most of the rolls you already know from the first book. As long as we keep the rolls 8 notes for one roll or 5 and a hit ( some call it a pinch ) the hit counts for 3 so it's still an 8 note rule.  We are safe, so enjoy and have fun!