Pocket Guide to Griffith Park & Hollywood Hills, California, by The Trailmaster

Take a walk on the truly wild side of Hollywood! Inhale the sweet smell of sage, hike past thickets of California holly that gave Holly-wood its name, watch for hawks soaring high above the HOLLYWOOD sign. Enjoy eye-popping vistas, a multitude of movie locations, and hiking miles of splendid trail through the wilds of Griffith Park.

Enjoy the HOLLYWOOD Sign hike, a great selection of hikes in the Hollywood Hills, and all the best Griffith Park trails.

  • Saunter up to Griffith Observatory, stride around Lake Hollywood and trek to Amir's Garden and Runyon Canyon.
  • Get healthy workouts and grand views of the metropolis on ascents to Bee Rock, Beacon Hill and Mt. Hollywood.
  • Hike to Batman's Cave, Trebeck Open Space and to dozens of classic and contemporary TV and film locations.

Perfect for your pocket or pack, Trailmaster Pocket Guides feature colorful stories, trusted trail accounts, and easy-to-follow maps for two dozen of the best day hikes in a region. Carefully crafted, handsomely designed, with top quality printing in the USA. High value and low-cost, Trailmaster Pocket Guides make great gifts, sure to delight those special hikers in your life.

Pocket guide is new, measures 5" x 3.5", copyright 2016, ISBN 9780934161473