Agave Isthmensis takes its name from its habitat – the narrow isthmus at the southerly tip of Mexico. Despite its warm climate it grows easily in an English greenhouse and only needs to be kept at 5C during the winter.  It is a lovely small Agave with blue-green leaves and offsets at this size to form a compact cluster.  This is rarely offered and one of the best of the smaller agaves. 

The form 'Ohi Raijin Ki Nakafu' is a Japanese cultivar with wide yellow variegation in the centre of each leaf and is slow to propagate as it will not grow from tissue-culture, having the variegation in the centre of the leaf.  It will grow from offsets though these can be difficult to remove as they grow between the lower leaves rather than at the base as in other Agaves so are best left until they are larger before removing.  It will only ever be available in small numbers as they only have one or two offsets each year. 

It is thought to have originated as an offset on the form 'Ohi Raijin' which has white variegation.  This has been grown as an offset taken from a plant with yellow variegation.

The plant in the last photo is the 'parent' plant and is shown for reference only.  The plant listed here is originally an offset taken from that plant and shown in the first photo.  It is still small and is a naturally miniature Agave.  The variegation is stable and does not fade. It measures 7.5cms across and is the plant in the first photo, grown in California and rarely available.