Wesfil 4WD Filter Service Kit for Ford Ranger PX 2011-On Ref RSK25C

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Contents : Wesfil Oil Air Fuel Cabin 4WD Filter Service Kit

Kit Include :

1 x Wesfil Air Filter

1 x Wesfil Oil Filter

1 x Wesfil Fuel Filter

1 x Wesfil Cabin Filter

Suit :

Ford Ranger Mazda Bt-50 PX XT 2.2L 3.2L TDCI 2011-On

***Please Note : Image is for illustration purpose only,the color may be different,and the product quantity is subject to the description we provided.

Item Description

The oil filter is an important part of your engine system's operation. It removes grit and grime from your oil, which prevents such contaminants from entering the engine itself when oil circulates and lubricates its parts.

Oil filters are used in many different types of hydraulic machinery. A chief use of the oil filter is in internal-combustion engines in on- and off-road motor vehicles, light aircraft, and various naval vessels. Other vehicle hydraulic systems, such as those in automatic transmissions and power steering, are often equipped with an oil filter.

Your car's air filters are important components in your vehicle. Studies conducted over the past two decades demonstrate that the exposure of the passengers inside a car to the dangerous air pollutants including respiratory irritants,neurological agents,volatile organic compounds,carbon monoxide and carcinogens is significantly higher than that of bicyclists,pedestrians and public transfer riders. Increased exposure to these pollutants can produce serious health problems.

Almost all the pollutants can irritate the eyes,nose,and respiratory systems of people exposed to them. They also may hinder the development of fetuses and infants. Studies indicate that the elevated levels of auto exhausts can also suppress the immune system,making human beings more vulnerable to colds,influenza,and other respiratory conditions like asthma. Car air filters purify the air inside a car,allowing the passengers to have healthy and clean air to breathe.

Replacing your fuel filter regularly is essential for maintaining the health of your engine and protecting it from foreign particles which may cause damage. In general, most mechanics will recommend replacing the filter once a year at the annual service. If you live in a high-pollution area or cover a significant number of miles each month, the filter will need to be replaced on a more regular basis.

There are numerous ways in which dirt and debris can get in to the fuel line, so a working fuel filter is crucial for preventing it causing damage to the engine. Replacing your fuel filter regularly is an inexpensive repair, and could end up saving you a small fortune in the future.

The cabin filter is a paper or textile filter medium, fitted to strain out airborne contaminants before they enter the cabin. Most cabin air filters are strictly filtration mediums, but some feature odor-eliminating properties. Basic cabin filters, or particulate cabin air filters, depending on the brand, can filter out up to 99% of contaminants over 3 µm in size, including PM10, dust, ash, pollen, spores, hair, feathers, leaves, and insects. Some filters can filter out over 95% of particles between 1 µm and 3 µm in size, such as bacteria, some viruses, finer dust and soot, and dangerous PM2.5, produced by vehicles of every size. Aside from allergic reactions, which can impair the driver, some contaminants are known to cause serious health problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) has linked PM10 and PM2.5 (particulate matter less than 10 µm or 2.5 µm) to increased incidence of asthma, lung cancer, respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, to name a few.