Please know that your purchase greatly assists SourcePoint Global Outreach, 
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.We provide teachings of compassion and 
nonviolence to men and women in prison throughout the United States, 
as well as solar powered flashlights to villages without electricity 
in developing countries.

Xeneplex Glutathione Suppositories
1 Package of 10 Suppositories
EDTA Chelation of Heavy Metals
Build the Immune System and
Detoxify Safely and Effectively

Xeneplex Glutathione suppositories help improve your health in several different ways including removing a wide range of pollutants, Immune System Support, Antioxidant properties and Disease Prevention/Improvement. Glutathione is produced naturally in your body but due to the build of toxins and other health challenges it can be severally limited.

Product Features:

  • Removes pollutants including plasticizers, petrochemicals, pesticides, solvents, mold and fungus
  • Fights free radicals on its own and helps regenerate other anti-oxidants

Removing Toxic Heavy Metals a Health Priority

Toxic Heavy Metals are ubiquitous in our environment and been linked to many diseases and health issues we face today. Removing these toxic heavy metals and eliminating contact points should be a health priority. You may also use KelaminHM as well to help improve your health and your life!